Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hlot
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- hlot
- Add: I. a lot that is cast :-- Hig wurpun hlotu (hlott. R.) miserunt sortes, Lk. 23, 34. Hȳ āsendan hlota ofer þā xii cyn Israhēla, Hml. A. 130, 456. Ia. the urn in which the lots are placed (fig.) :-- Hlote urna, An. Ox. 1838 (Ia). Ib. the result determined by lot, the lot falls on a person :-- Ðā gefeóll þæt hlot ofer Jūdan cyn, Hml. A. 130, 457. II. a casting of lots :-- Of hlotti (hlote, R.) eóde ꝥte roecels gesette sorte exiit ut incensum poneret, Lk. L. l, 9. Mid hlod sorte, p. 3, 4. Hǣdenscipe bid ꝥ man mord-weorc gefremme on ænige wīsan, oþþe on blōte (hlotæ, v. l., which the old Latin version renders in sorte; but the better reading seems to be blōt. Cf. ǣnige hǣdenscipe oþþe on blót oþþe on firhte, ii. 296, 15) oþþe on fyrhte, Ll. Th. i. 378, 22. III. on allotted portion, a share, lot. v. mans-lot :-- On Fearnes felda gebyrad twēga manna hlot landes . . . and þreóra manna hlot on Normantone . . . and feówer manna hlot, C. D. B. iii. 230, 31-231, 2. Ne forlǣt Dryhten gyrde synfulra ofer hlot rihtwīsra (super sortem iustorum). Ps. L. 124, 3. III a. (part or) lot with another :-- Gif þu nylt mē ofsleán, nafa þū nān hlot mid mē on heofena rīce, Hml. A. 180, 350. IV. an allotted amount to be paid, lot (and scot) :-- Omnis Francigena qui tempore Eadwardi fuit in Anglia particeps comuetudinum Anglorum quod ipsi dicunt an hlote et an scote, Ll. Th. i. 491, 9. V. lot, fate, fortune :-- Þām ytemestan hlote supprema sorte, An. Ox. 1990. v. ge-hlot, hwōn-hlotum. hlot