
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hopa

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: I. expectation of what is desired, desire combined with expectation :-- On hopan (spe) hǣle wē beód gewordene: hope sōdlīce sē þe gesewen ys nys hopa (Rom. 8, 24), Scint. 130, 3. Geanbidung rihtwīsra bliss; hopa sōdlīce ārleásra forwyrd, 8. Hopa þe byd ge-lencged geswencd sāwle (Pronec pax, nec pietas, spes nulla quietis flentibus arrident, Dōm. L. 220: Wlfst. 139, 12. Þā þe yfele dōn nā geswīcad mid īdelum hopan (uana spe) forgyfenysse be Codes miltsunge sēcead, Scint. 130, 13. Hē ealle his geþōhtas and hopan on God beset, R. Ben. 3, 24. I a. where the object of hope is given :-- Se miccla hopa tō þīnum Hǣlende ꝥ hē þīne synna ādwǣscan wylle, Dōm. L. 28, 9. I b. personified :-- Se hopa ārǣhte sweord þǣre eádmōdnesse, Prud. 35 a. Seó ofermōdnes stellan wile ofer þone hopan, 32 a. II. a feel-ing of trust or confidence :-- On ege Drihtnes trūwa strencde, and bearnum his byd hopa in timore Domini fiducia fortitudinis, et filiis eius erit spes (Prov. 14, 26), Scint. 65, l. III. a person or thing that gives hope for the future, or in which hopes are centred :-- Þū eart hopa þīnra se mǣsta tu spes tuorum maxima, Hy. S. 98, 15. Ys dǣdbōt lǣcedōm wunde, hopa hǣle (spes salutis), Scint. 47, 2. hopa

Palavras relacionadas: 13, 12), 9. Fandung wyrcd hopan ; hopa nā gescynt, 7, 19. Ne þǣr ārfsestnes, ne sib, ne hopa, ne swige gegladad
