Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hreðer
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
hræðer, hraðer, es;
- hreðer
- m. [?] Breast, bosom :-- Hreðor innan wæs wynnum áwelled the breast within was joyously agitated, Andr. Kmbl. 2036; An. 1020. Hreðer [hreder, MS.] innan weóll beorn breóstsefa, Exon. 15 b; Th. 34, 9; Cri. 539: 46 b; Th. 158, 15; Gú. 910: Beo. Th. 4233; B. 2113. Hreðer innan swearc hyge hreówcearig dark within grew his breast, troubled with care his mind, Exon. 48 a; Th. 165, 8; Gú. 1025. Hreðer æðme weóll his breast heaved with breathing, Beo. Th. 5780; B. 2593. Is mé ænige gást innan hreðres anxiatus est in me spiritus meus, Ps. Th. 142, 4. On breóston inne on hraðre, Bt. Met. Fox 25, 91; Met. 25, 46. Him of hræðre [hwæðre, MS.] gewát sáwol from his bosom departed the soul, Beo. Th. 5631; B. 2819. Him on hreðre heáfodswíma heortan clypte in his bosom stupor clasped his heart, Cd. 76; Th. 94, 27; Gen. 1568. Ðe dryhtnes bebod heóldon on hreðre who kept the lord's command in their breast, Exon. 24 b; Th. 71, 23; Cri. 1160. Him wæs hreów on hreðre hygesorga mǽst, Beo. Th. 4645; B. 2328. Hé mé in hreðre bileác wísdómes giefe, Exon. 51 a; Th. 176, 33; Gú. 1219: Andr. Kmbl. 138; An. 69: Cd. 161; Th. 201, 2; Exod. 366: Beo. Th. 2306; B. 1151. Ys mé on hreðre heorte gedréfed cor meum conturbatum est in me, Ps. Th. 54, 4: 70, 8. Biþ on hreðre drepen biteran stræle is smitten in the breast with the bitter shaft, Beo. Th. 3494; B. 1745. Æt helle duru dracan eardigaþ háte on hreðre at hell's door dwell dragons that send fire from within [firedrakes], Cd. 215; Th. 271, 1; Sat. 99. Baðu hát on hreðre hot baths, Exon. 124 b; Th. 478, 16; Ruin. 42: Beo. Th. 6287; B. 3148. Blód út ne com of hreðre blood came not from my breast, Exon. 130 a; Th. 499, 9; Rä. 88, 13. Mé on hreðre heáfod sticade in her bosom she stuck my head, 124 b; Th. 479, 9; Rä. 62, 5. Hálig heofonlíce gást hreðer weardode æðelne innoþ the holy heavenly spirit guarded her breast, her noble womb, Elen. Kmbl. 2288; El. 1145: Exon. 49 a; Th. 169, 20; Gú. 1102. Him hildegráp hreðre ne mihte aldre gesceððan the hostile grasp could not harm his breast, his life, Beo. Th. 2897; B. 1446. Hreðra gehygd counsel, 4096; B. 2045: Exon. 77 b; Th. 290, 28; Wand. 72.