Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hreówan
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- hreówan
- Add: p. hreów. With dat. or acc. of person, or used absolutely. I. to affect with sorrow, to distress, grieve, vex. (1) with pronoun (in apposition to clause) as subject:--Þæt mé on mínum hyge hreóweð, þæt hié heofonríce ágan, Gen. 426. (2) with clause as subject:--Mec ongon hreówan þæt mín hondgeweorc on feónda geweald féran sceolde, Cri. 1415. II. to affect with pity or compassion. (1) the subject a noun (pronoun), (a) a person:--Hé þám folce mid his eádmódnysse cwéman wolde ꝥ hé þurh his fullan eádmódnysse hreówan sceolde (should excite compassion), Hml. S. 23, 623. (b) a thing:--Hé ðæs cáseres mycclan hreówsunga geseah, him ꝥ hreów, Hml. S. 23, 401. Earfoðfynde wæs se man þe swilc ne mihte hreówan, 82. (2) no subject expressed:--Hreáw hine penituit eum, Ps. Rdr. 105, 45. III. to affect with regret, to make a person wish that he had not done something, or that something had not happened. (1) the subject a noun (pronoun):--Ne doo ðú nánwuht búton geðeahte, ðonne ne hríwð hit ðé ðonne hit gedón bið sine consilio nihil facias, et post factum non poenitebis, Past. 287, 11. Him þæt ne hreóweð, Gú. 783. Hit þé wyrs ne mæg on þínum hyge hreówan þonne hit mé æt heortan déð, Gen. 826. (2) with clause or subject:--Hreáw hine swíðe þæt hé áweahte aðelinga ord, Gen. 1276. Nú mé mæg hreówan þæt ic bæd God, 816: 819. (3) where no subject is expressed and the cause for regret is in the genitive:--Ne þé hreówan þearf ealles swá micles swá þú mé sealdest you need not regret all you gave me, much as it was, Seel. 150. IV. to affect with sorrow for sin, make penitent. (1) the subject a noun (pronoun):--Gif him his yfel ne hreówþ, Bt. 36, 6; F. 182, 21. Ðý lǽs him tó hwón hreówen ðá geðóhtan synna si cogitata mala minus cruciant, Past. 417, 35. Hié (sins) ne magon ealla on áne tíd emnsáre hreówan, 413, 29. (2) where no subject is expressed and the cause of sorrow is in the accusative:--Þonne hreóweð hyre swíðe þá yfelan dǽda, Verc. Först. 105, 9. [N. E. D. rue.] hreowan