
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hrýman

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


p. de To call, cry out, to cry out [with exultation or in lamentation, complaint], boast, exult, lament, murmur :-- Ne hé ne hrýmþ neque clamabit, Mt. Kmbl. 12, 19. Wé biddaþ l wé hrémaþ imploramus, Rtl. 121, i. Forhuon gie hrémas quid ploratis, Mk. Skt. Lind. 5, 39. Ða hrýmaþ tó hyra efengelícon clamantes coæqualibus, Mt. Kmbl. 11, 16. Hig hrýmaþ tó mé and ic gehíre hira hreám vociferabuntur ad me et ego audiam clamorem eorum, Ex. 22, 23. Ðá hrýmde heó tó hire híwun ... ðá hé gehírde ðæt ic hrímde vocavit mulier ad se homines domus suæ ... cum ego succlamassem et audisset vocem meam, Gen. 39, 14, 15. Ðá hrýmde sum wód man and cwæþ, Homl. Th. i. 458, 2. Se cǽsere wédde and hrýmde dæges and nihtes the emperor raved day and night, Shrn. 139, 6. Ne ðý hraðor hrémde nor the more vaunted, Cd. 212; Th. 263, 2; Dan. 756. Israhéla bearn hrímdon and ongeán Moisen micclum ceorodon the children of Israel murmured against Moses, Num. 13, 31. Gaas ðætte hréme vadit ut ploret, Jn. Skt. Lind. 11, 31. Gif feorrancumen man oððe fræmde búton wege gange and hé ðonne náwðer ne hrýme ne he horn ne bláwe if a man from a distance or a stranger go off the high road and then neither call out nor blow a horn, L. Wih. 28; Th. i. 42, 24, Ðá ongunnon ða hrýman ðe þurh ðæs dracan blǽde áléfode wǽron, Homl. Th. ii. 294, 30. Wé sceolon hrýman swiðor and swíðor tó ðam Hǽlende, i. 156, 22. Ðá begann hé tó hrýmenne and cwæþ, 152, 15. Mid fleáme com on his cyþþe Constontinus hréman ne þorfte by flight Constantine got home, had little cause to boast, Chr. 937; Erl. 114, 5; Æðelst. 39. Hrémende ululatus, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 2, 18: plorantem, Jn. Skt. Lind. 11, 33. Mid micelre stemne hrýmende crying with a loud voice, Homl. Th. i. 46. 33. [Laym. A. R. remen: Halliw. Dict. reem, reme.]

Palavras relacionadas: hreám, hrémig. hryman
