Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hwæðer
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- hwæðer
- pron. I. which of two :-- Hwæðer ðara twegra dyde ðæs fæder willan whether of them twain did the will of his father? Mt. Kmbl. 21, 31. Hwæðer ys máre ðe ðæt gold ðe ðæt templ ðe ðæt gold gehálgaþ whether is greater, the gold or the temple that sanctifieth the gold? 23, 17, 19. Hwæðer wǽre twegra strengra wyrd ðe warnung? Salm. Kmbl. 853; Sal. 426. Gebíde gé hwæðer sél mǽge wunde gedýgan uncer twega, Beo. Th. 5054; B. 2530. Hwæðres ðonne ðara yfelra is betre ǽr tó tilianne búton swæðres swæðer frécenlícre is quæ igitur pestis ardentius insequenda est, nisi quæ periculosius premit? Past. 62, 1; Swt. 457, 21. Hwæðres biþ hira folgoþ betra? Salm. Kmbl. 740; Sal. 369. Hwæðerne wylle gé ðæt ic forgyfe eów of ðísum twám whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? Mt. Kmbl. 27, 21. Ðá befran Pilatus hwæðerne hí gecuron Hǽlend oððe Barraban? Homl. Th. ii. 252, 12. Nást ðú hwæðer beóþ ðæs rícan mannes bán hwæðer ðæs þearfan thou knowest not which are the rich man's bones, which the poor one's, Homl. Th. i. 256, 16. II. one or other of two, either :-- Hie hit gesund begen ágifan swá hit hwæðer hiora ǽr onfénge búton hiora hwæðer þingode ðæt ... let them both return it sound as either of them may have before received it, unless either of them made a condition that..., L. Alf. pol. 19; Th. i. 74, 11: Bt. Met. Fox 5, 81; Met. 5, 41. Gif hwá tó hwæðrum ðissa geniéd síe if any one be forced to either of these, L. Alf, pol. 1; Th. i. 60, 3. Tó manigenne sint ða gesomhíwan ðeáh hira hwæðrum hwæt-hwugu hwílum mislícige on óðrum ðæt hie ðæt geþyldelíce forberen admonendi sunt conjuges, ut ea, in quibus sibi aliquando displicent, patientes invicem tolerent, Past. 51, 3; Swt. 395, 32. III. each of two, both :-- Hwæðer hát and ceald hwílum mencgaþ both heat and cold at times mingle, Cd. 216; Th. 273, 5; Sat. 132. IV. in combination with swá, whichever of two :-- Heora eáþmetto ne mihton náuht forstanden ne húru heora ofermetta dydon swá hwæþer swá hý dydon their humility availed naught nor indeed did their pride, whichever course they followed, Bt. 29, 2; Fox 106, 1. Bí swá hwaðerre efes swá hit ðonne fierdleás wæs on whichever border there was then no force, Chr. 894; Erl. 90, 13. On swá hwæðere hond on whichever hand, Beo. Th. 1376; B. 686. Drihtenes áre oððe deófles þeówet swá hwæðer wé geearniaþ hér on lífe, Hy. Grn. ii. 289, 99; Hy. 7, 99. [Laym. whaðer: O. and N. hweþer: Chauc. whether: Goth. hwaþar: O. Sax. hweðar: O. Frs. hweder: Icel. hvárr: O. H. Ger. hwedar.] DER. á-, ǽg-, ná-, nó-hwæðer; and see swæðer. hwæðer,hwæþer