
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hwerfan

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

hwierfan, hwirfan, hwyrfan;

p. de; pp. ed. I. to turn, revolve, move about, go, return, depart :-- Óþ ðæt dú eft hwyrfest tó him until thou shalt return to him, Blickl. Homl. 233, 29. Mannes sáwl hweóle gelícost hwærfeþ ymbe hý selfe man's soul, just like a wheel, revolves about itself, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 422; Met. 20, 211. Hwærfþ, 434; Met. 20, 217. Hwerfeþ, 28, 30; Met. 38, 15. Hwyrfeþ, Exon. 103 b; Th. 394, 3; Rä. 13, 12. Hægl hwyrft of heofones lyfte hail whirls down from the sky, Runic pm. 9; Kmbl. 341, 5. Hí hám hwyrfaþ domum redeunt, L. Ecg. P. i. 14; Th. ii. 178, 6. Cynna gehwylcum ðara ðe cwice hwyrfaþ for every race that living moves, Beo. Th. 197; B. 98. Hig eft syððan tógædere hwyrfdon postea iterum se conjunxerint, L. Ecg. P. ithey returned to their rulers, Blickl. Homl. 239, 29. Hwearfdon geond ðæt atole scref roamed through that horrid den, Cd. 214; Th. 269, 13; Sat. 72. Gehwá hám hwyrfe let every one return home, L. E. I. 24; Th. ii. 422, 1. On gemynd hwyrfe unrihtwísnys fædera his in memoriam redeat iniquitas patrum ejus, Ps. Spl. 108, 13. Hwyrf eft on ða ceastre go again to the city, Blickl. Homl. 249, 8. Wæs eft hwyrfende was returning, 199, 6: 207, 30: 249, 12. Ðæt hwerfende hweól the revolving wheel, Bt. 7, 2; Fox 18, 35. II. to turn, change [trans. and intrans.] :-- He hwierfde his stemne nales his mód vocem, non mentem mutavit, Past. 36, 7; Swt. 257, 18. Adame his hyge hwyrfde and his heorte ongann wendan tó hire willan Adam's mind changed, and his heart began to turn to her desire, Cd. 33; Th. 44, 28; Gen. 716. Ðeáh ðe his leóht gelómlíce hwyrfe though its light change frequently, Lchdm. iii. 242, 16. Hwærfe hia convertantur, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 13, 15. Hiora heortan hé ongan hwyrfan convertit cor eorum, Ps. Th. 104, 21. Hwý ðú woldest ðæt seó wyrd swá hwyrfan sceolde cur tantas lubrica versat fortuna vices? Bt. 4; Fox 8, 12. III. to exchange, barter [with gen.] :-- Aðelwold bisceop and Wulfstán Uccea hwyrfdon landa on Eádgáres cyninges gewytnesse bishop Athelwold and Wulfstan Uccea exchanged lands with the witness of king Edgar, Chart. Th. 230, 1. Nán man nehwyrfe nánes yrfes bútan ðæs geréfan gewitnesse let no man exchange any property without the witness of the reeve, L. Ath. i. 10; Th. i. 204, 17. Nán man ne bycge ne hwyrfe [hwirfe, MS. H.] búton hé gewitnesse hæbbe let no man either buy or barter unless he have a witness, L. Eth. 1, 3; Th. i. 282, 26. Huerfa mutuari, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 42. [Laym. whærven; p. whærfde: Orm. wherrfedd perverse: O. Sax. gi-hwerbian to turn, change: Icel. hverfa; p. hverfði to turn: O. H. Ger. hwarbian; p. hwarpta versare, rotare, redire, convertere, revertere, Grff. iv. 1233.] DER. á-, be-, for-, ge-, on-, ymb-hwerfan; and see hweorfan, hwearfian. hwerfan

Palavras relacionadas: 8; Th. ii. 206, 8. Hie eft hwirfdon tó hiora ealdormannum
