
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hwettan

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Substitute: To whet, sharpen :-- Ic hwette (hwætte, ) acuo, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 167, l. I. to sharpen the edge of an imple-ment (lit. or fig.) :-- Se lǣce hȳt his seax and hwete (hwæt, v. l.), Past. 166, 6. Þā undeádlican wyrmas hwettad hyra tēd tō þon ꝥ hig. . . ūrne līchoman slītan, Ll. Th. ii. 396, 6. Hī hwetton tungan heora acuerunt linguam suam, Ps. Spl. 139, 3. ¶ hwete stān a stone used for whetting (?) :-- Tō hwettan stānes wylle; of hwættan stānes wylle, C. D. iii. 430, II. II. to make a person keen (hwæt), incite, excite, egg on. (l) absolute :-- Swā þīn sefa hwette, B. 490. (2) with acc. :-- Þonne wīn hweted beornes breóstsefan, Mōd. 18. Ōder gāst hine tyhted . . . ȳwed him earmra manna misgemynda and þurh þæt his mōd hweted, Sal. 495. Þone sīdfæt him snotere ceorlas lythwōn lōgon, . . . hwetton higerōfne, B. 204. (2 a) where the course or action to which a person is incited is given :-- Ic dysge dwelle and dole hwette [on] unrǣdsīdas, ōdrum stȳre nyttre fōre I silly ones lead astray and stupid ones egg on to ill-advised ways, others keep back from profitable pro-ceeding, Rä. 12, 3. Ūsic lust hweted on þā leódmearce, micel mōdes hiht tō þǣre mǣran byrig, An. 286. Hweted on [h]wælweg, Seef. 63. Ic hig hwette tō fleánne, Shrn. 41, 25. [He whætte his særes, Laym. 14215. He wette his tossches, S. S. 911. O. H. Ger. wezzen acuere, exacuere, provocare: Icel. huetja to whet, incite.] v. ā-, ge-hwettan. hwettan

Palavras relacionadas: l.
