
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hwílend-líc

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

adj. Lasting only for a time, of time, temporal, temporary, transitory :-- Þrió þing sindon on ðís middanearde. Án is hwílendlíc ... Óðer þing is éce ... Þridde þing is éce three things there are in this world. One is of time ... the second ... and the third are of eternity, Bt. 42; Fox 256, 15. Ðá se cyning wæs ceasterwara gefremed ðæs écan ríces and wolde eft ðæt éþel sécan his hwílendlícan ríces rex æterni regni jam civis effectus, temporalis sui regni sedem repetiit, Bd. 3, 22; S. 552, 33. Mid ðýs hwílendlícan onwalde temporali potentia, Past. 17, 4; Swt. 113, 11. Mid ðissum hwílendlícum þingum temporali sollicitudine, 18, 7; Swt. 139, 7. Ðú næfst ða hwílendlícan árwyrþnessa ðe ðú ǽr hæfdest thou hast not those temporary dignities that thou hadst before, Bt. 8; Fox 24, 31.

Palavras relacionadas: hwílwendlíc. hwilend-lic
