
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hwōn

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add : [For construction cf. feáwa.] I. substantival (l) of number, (a) alone, a few persons or things :-- Ofer lytla l huōn dū wēre leáffull, ofer monigo dec ic setto super pauca fuisti fidelis, super multa te constituam, Mt. L. 25, 21. (b) with gen. :-- Hrippes feolo, wyrcendra huōn messis multa, operari pauci, Lk. L. 10, 2. Hiǽ hæfdum lytelra fisca hwōn (huōn, L.) habebant pisciculos paucos, Mk. R. 8, 7. (2) of quantity, a little, (a) alone :-- Ādō ꝥ pic of, sūpe hwōn wearm, Lch. ii. 318, 5. Dō on breówende wyrt, hwōn, 332, 22. (b) with gen. :-- Dō hwō;n sealtes tō, Lch. ii. 78, 2. Hwōn berenes melwes, 322, 27. Hwōn wīnes, 344, 6. II. adjectival (l) of number, (a) qualifying a noun :-- Of seofa hlāfum and hwōn lytle fiscas (paucis pisciculis), Mk. p. 3, 18. Huōn fiscdrūtas paucos pisciculos, Mt. 15, 34. (b) predicative :-- Hrīpes monigo, wercmenn huōn messis multa, operarii pauci, Mt. L. 9, 37. Rīpes feolu, wyrcende hwōn, Lk. R. 10, 2. Gif huōn sint dā de gihǣled bidon si pauci sunt qui saluantur, 13, 23. (2) of quantity, (a) little :-- Gié huōno l lytlo geleáfas (hwōn l lytle l lǣssa gileófa, R.) uos pussilae fidei, Lk. L. 13, 28. Lch. ii. 32, 3: 124, 22 (in Dict.). III. adverbial, (l) local, a little way :-- Hine from eorda eft-lǣda huōn eum a terra reducere pusillum, Lk. L. 5, 3. (1 a) in a phrase :-- Foerde þonan lytel hwōn progressus inde pusillum, Mk. R. L. 1. 19. (2) temporal, a little while :-- Lǣt þnne hwōn gestandan, Lch. ii. 264, 27, (3) of degree, a little, slightly :-- Sete on glēda, gewyrm hwōn, Lch. ii. 310, 4. Swēt hwōn, 318, 13 : 324, 6. Man tō hwōn stȳrde þām þe syngodon, Wlfst. 168, 2. Fērde hē hwōn feorr (paulo longius) fram þām mynstre, Gr. D. 28, 17. (3 a) in a negative phrase not at all, not in the least, in no wise :-- Nā tō þæs hwōn (nullatenus) ne færst þū heonon, būton þū mīnne sunu āwecce, Gr. D. 17, 20 : 38, 15 : 80, 27 : Hml. S. 30, 412. Ne magon hī tō þæs hwōn (nequaquam) begitan þā þing þe him geteohhode nǣron, Gr. D. 54, 13. Nā tō þes hwōn minime, An. Ox. 40, 5. Nā-te-þes-hwōn, 4, 47.

Palavras relacionadas: ātes-, nātes-hwōn. hwon
