Lagu. i
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - lagu. i
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- lagu. I
- the body of rules binding on the members of a state or community :-- Hé hit béte swá swá lagu tǽce (as the law directs), Ll. Th. i. 418, 14. Swá man swýðor spæc embe rihte lage swá mann dyde máre unlaga, Chr. 1086; P. 218, 19. Hí eallum folce góde lage (fulle lagu, ) behéton, 1052 ; P. 180, 33. (In the passages from the Chronicle the word might be plural, v. II.) I a. where the state is named :-- On Cantwara lage, Ll. Th. i. 330, 17. On Engla lage, Wlfst. 311, 4. I b. where the name of the ruler with whom a code of laws is connected is given :-- Dene and Engle wurdon sammǽle tó Eádgáres lage, Chr. 1018; P. 154, 16. Ic (Cnut) wylle ꝥ eal þeódscype Eádgáres lage healde, Cht. E. 231, 3. I c. the regulations that concern a particular class :-- Be leódgeðingðum and lage. Wæs hwílum on Engla lagum ꝥ leód and lagu fór be geþincðum, and þá wǽron þeódwitan weorðscipes wyrðe ǽlc be his mǽðe, Ll. Th. i. 190, 11. Ðegenes lagu is ꝥ hé sý his bócrihtes wyrðe, and ꝥ hé ðreó ðinc of his lande dó, 432, 4. Norðhymbra preósta lagu, ii. 290, 1. Ðeów swán and ðeów beócere æfter forðsíðe beón ánre lage wyrðe, i. 436, 20. I d. what is fixed by law in a particular case :-- Gif hwá þæne friðleásan man healde, béte ꝥ swá hit ǽr lagu wæs, Ll. Th. i. 384, 8. Gif hine man ǽniges þinges teó, andswarie . . . swá hit lagu (riht lagu, v. l.) sý, 396, 1. II. one of the individual rules which constitute the law (v. I) :-- Ælfrédes laga cyninges, Ll. Th. i. 152, 13. Ðis syndon þá laga þe Æðelréd cyng and his witan gerǽdd habbað, 292, 1. Cyninges lage lytledon, 348, 19. Tuá lagena l ǽa bis legum, Germ. 388, 16. On Engla lagum, Ll. Th. i. 190, 11. Man rihte laga úp árǽre, 316, 25: 328, 1. Lage, 228, 1. III. a particular branch of law :-- Mid cynelicere lage fiscali jure, An. Ox. 4844. IV. the action of the courts of law, law (in to go to law) :-- Þár þegen áge twégen costas, lufe oþþe lage, Ll. Th. i. 298, 6. Sé ꝥe rihte lage and rihte dóm forsace, 384, 16. V. of divine law. (1) (God's) law or laws :-- Gif hwá Godes lage oþþe folclage wirde, Ll. Th. ii. 296, 22. Crístene lage healdan, i. 318, 11. Crístes lage wanodan, 348, 18. Godes laga healdan, 346, 24. Godcunde laga, 306, 25. (2) the law of Moses :-- Þis is lagu and wítigan, Scint. 4, 8. God gesette þá fíf béc on þám þe is Godes lagu, and Móyses hí áwrát . . . and seó lagu forbeád mancynne sinna tó gefremmenne, Ll. Th. ii. 366, 17-23. Móyses cwæð on Godes lage, i. 196, 3. (3) the Mosaic dispensation :-- Under Móyses lage men móston lybban on máran sóftnysse þonne nú æfter Crístes ácennednysse, Hml. A. 15, 58. VI. customary rule or usage :-- Landlaga sýn mistlice . . . laga sceal on leóde luflíce leornian sé þe on lande sylf nele leósan leges et consuetudines terrarum sunt varie . . . leges debet in populis libenter addiscere, qui non vult in patria solus amittere, Ll. Th. i. 440, 23. VII. what is considered right and proper :-- Þæt wé beón wære ꝥ wé náhwár ne gán of lage, Angl. viii. 308, 18. VIII. a rule of action or procedure :-- Hé lǽrde þæt manna gehwilc óðrum beóde þæt, þæt hé wille þæt man him beóde. Ðæt is rihtlic lagu, Wlfst. 67, 3. Þis is seó lagu þe wé healdan sculan, 274, 13. Mid stíþum lagum strictis (pudicitiae) legibus, i. ordinibus, An. Ox. 2178. VIII a. a rule laid down by one in authority for the treatment of a subject :-- Laga áwritenum gesettnessum gedémdan (orthodoxorum patrum) scita (i. decreta) scriptis decretalibus sancxerunt, An. Ox. 1964. Rǽdborena laga iuris peritorum scita, 5226. v. burg-, folc-, griþ-, mǽg-, preóst-, regol-- lagu. -lagu,lagu