Land. i

Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - land. i

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

land. I
Add :-- Hé sende ofer sǽ getríwe men, and hig férdon swá wíde landes swá hig faran mihton, C. D. B. ii. 389, 20. II. Add :-- Lond territorium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 122, 14. Landes manna scipa .xlii., Chr. 1046; P. 168, 11. Ealle þá þe þǽr on lande (ealle þá landleóde, ) all those in the country, Gr. D. 145, 7. Ánum ðára burgawará londes (ríces, W. S. regionis) ðæs, Lk. L. 15, 15. Wæs se fruma egeslic leódum on lande, B. 2310. Wé þé willað ferigen tó þám lande þǽr þé lust myneð tó gesécanne, An. 294. Seó æftre Ethiopia land and leódgeard beligeð úton, Gen. 229. Créca land, El. 250. Þec landa gehwilc herige, Dan. 376. Wé bióð láðe on landa gehwám, folcum fracoðe, An. 408. Hit wæs eald þeáw on þissum landum, Ll. Th. ii. 408, 2. II c. fig. realm, domain :-- In lifgendra londes wynne, Cri. 437 : Gú. 790. On lande in terra (viventium), An. Ox, 4273. III. Add: (1) ground, cultivated land, soil, field :-- Brocen land land novalis ager">vel geworht land novalis ager, Wrt. Voc. i. 37, 53. Hé hám cyrde fram pám UNCERTAIN weorce þæs landes, Gr. D. 165, 19. Hé mót neótan londes frætwa, Ph. 150. Londes ceorl the husbandman, Met. 12, 27. Swá hwá swá wille sáwan wæstmbǽre land, Bt. 23 ; F. 78, 21. Wé sceolon bletsian úre land, and Drihten biddan ꝥ þá wæstmas þe on eorðan syndon geþeón mótan, Verc. Först. 129, 26. Blósmige land florea rura, Wülck. Gl. 256, 3. Lond beóð gefrætwad the fields are made fair, Ph. 116. Land wǽron freórig, An. 1261. Seówun lond seminaverunt agros, Ps. Srt, 106, 37. Land wæterað arua rigat, Scint. 118, 14. Storm landu (arua) forhwyrfð, 51, 17. (1 a) land attached to a dwelling and in contrast with it :-- Benedictus wunode uppon lande Benedict was out in the fields of the monastery, Gr. D. 165, 14. Sé þe on londe sý he that is in the field, Mt. R. 24, 18. Wæs sunu his ældra on lond (in agro), Lk. L. 15, 25. Hé eóde út on þæt land þencende egressus fuerat ad meditandum in agro, Gen. 24, 63. (1 b) ground in a general sense :-- Hé nolde fleógan fótmǽl landes, By. 275. Licgað æfter lande loccas tódrifene, fex on ioldan, An. 1428. Þý lǽs se hwǽte cíða leás licge on þǽm lande, Met. 12, 6. (2) ground as property, landed property :-- Landes lǽn precarium, Wrt. Voc. i. 21, 2. Ic gean him and his wífe þæs landes æt Stoctúne wið án hund mancosa, Cht. Th. 597, 33. Hé sealde hiora gehwæðrum hund þúsenda landes and locenra beága, B. 2995. Ic þé hneáw ne wæs landes, Gen. 2824. Næbbe ic . . . welan . . landes ne locenra beága, An. 303. Þegenes lagu is ꝥ hé . . . ðreó ðinc of his lande dó, Ll. Th. i. 432, 5. Hé him brád syleð lond tó leáne, Vy. 76. (2 a) an estate in land :-- On Dyddanhamme synd .xxx. hída . . . Ofer eall ðæt land gebyrað æt gyrde .xii. pænegas . . . and náh man nǽnne fisc wið feó tó syllanne ðonne hláford on land byð ǽr man hine him gecýðe. Of Dyddanhamme gebyreð micel weorcrǽden, Se geneát sceal wyrcan swá on lande, swá of lande, C. D. iii. 450, 11-32.Monega land binnan þǽre byrig wǽron bútan ǽlcum ierfwearde largissimae introrsum hereditates et nulli penitus heredes, Ors. 5, 2 ; S. 218, 1. Taurus bróhte þone bisceop tó sumum his landa, Hml. S. 22, 187. Ic gean Alfmǽre and Ælfstáne þára twégra landa æt Hættanleá, Cht. Th. 597, 24: 520, 18 : 523, 27: 524, 19. Of manegum landum máre landriht áríst tó cyniges gebanne, LI. Th. i. 432, 6. (2 b) where the extent of the land is defined :-- Ic selle Cyneswíde ðreóra hída lond. ... Nú gewríte ic hire ðæt ðreóra hída lond . .. and ic hire léte tó . . . ðæt twéga hída lond . .. and ic bidda ðæt ðis ðreóra hída lond and éc ðæt twéga . . ., C. D. ii. 100, 9-24 (and see híd; I. 2). (3) country in contrast with town :-- Be ciépemonna fóre uppe on londe, LI. Th. i. 118, 11. (3 a) on estate in the country :-- Hé genéhuade ánum ðára burgawará and sende hine on lond his (uillam suam) ꝥte gelésuade ðá bergas, Lk. L. 15, 15. IV. a land, ridge in a ploughed field. v. heáfod-land, land-gewyrpe :-- Eást on ðá furh; ðæt tó ðám sceortan lond, C. D. iii. 437, 24. Tó ðon eásteran lande, v. 194, 27. On ðæt scorte land súðeweard, 379, 32. On ðæt reáde land; fram ðám reáden lande, iii. 419, 19. [v. Philol. Trans. 1898, p. 532.] v. át- (Cht. E. 208, 34), beán-, behát-, beód-, ber[c]-, bóc-, búr-, ceáp- (C. D. iv. 294, 18), ciric-, dene-, dún-, eald-, earnung-, ering-, ete-, fen-, feoh-, fóster-, Franc-, friþ-, gafol-, gebúr-, gedál-, gehát-, geneát-, geréf-, hǽþfeld-, hám-, hwǽte-, lǽn-, mǽd-, mǽdwe-, mæst-, mersc-, munt-, mynster-, neáh-, norþ-, Peác-, sácerd-, scrúd-, súþ-, teóþung-, timber-, unfriþ-, uppe-, wín-, wudu-land ; útan-landes. land

Palavras relacionadas: l.
