Leaás. ii
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - leaás. ii
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- leaás. II
- add :-- Sóðfæst verax, sóðsagol veridicus, leás fallax vel mendax, unsóðsagol falsidicus, Wrt. Voc. i. 76, 17-20. (1) of persons (or personifications). (a) not truthful :-- Ic cwæð þæt wǽron ealle menn ungemete leáse ego dixi, 'Omnis homo mendax,' Ps. Th. 115, 2. (b) not real, false, pseudo- :-- Leáse crístas and leáse wítegan, Mk. 13, 22. Þá leásan godu, Ap. 49. (c) not to be trusted, perfidious, deceitful :-- Leás fyrnhicge prostituta pellax, An. Ox. 2940. Leás wiht (leáswiht ?)(Satan), Sat. 727. Sió óðru wyrd is leás and beswícþ ealle hire geféran illa fortuna fallit, Bt. 20 ; F. 70, 33. Fram leásum áþume geypt a pellaci genero proditus, An. Ox. 2377. Leásum perfido (fratre), 5068. Hí weorþaþ bereáfode ǽlcre áre fram heora leásan cyninge, Bt. 29, 2 ; F. 104, 17. Leáse sceáweras spies, B. 253. Þá leásan men, þá þe mid tungan treówa gehátað, fácenlíce þencað þonne hié æt néhstan beswícað, Leás. 24. (d) of conduct, loose, licentious, cf. leásung; IV. :-- Ualerianus wæs swíðe leás man and wrǽne aa Valerianus levis ac lubricus extitit, Gr. D. 341, 2. (2) of things. (a) in reference to speech, untruthful, lying, false :-- Leásre wróhte strofose accussationis, An. Ox. 4236. Swilce hé gebringe ðá sóðan láre tó leásum gedwylde, Hml, Th. ii. 2, 24. For hwí ðé hátan dysige men mid leásre stemne wuldor?, Bt. 30, 1 ; F. 108, 2. Leásum spellum, Met. 26, 1. (b) sham, not genuine :-- Hét Maxentius mid micclum swicdóme oferbricgian ðá eá mid scipum, and syððan ðylian swá swá óðre bricge . . . hé ne gemunde ðǽre leásan bricge þe hé álecgan hét, Hml. Th. ii. 304, 27. Leása gesǽlþa falsa bona, Met. 12, 27. Þás feówer (the four evangelists) syndon tó underfónne, . . . and forlǽtan þá óðre þe leáse gesetnysse (pseudo-gospels, apocryphal writings) gesetton, Hml. S. 16, 224. (c) false, not to be trusted, deceptive, vain, worthless :-- Ic nolde ꝥ unc beswice ǽnegu leás anlícnes (cassa imago) for sóþa gesǽlþa, Bt. 34, 1 ; F. 134, 8. Se leása wéna þára dysigena monna hominum fallax opinio, 27, 3 ; F. 98, 32. Ꝥ leáse lot bewrigen mid wrencum fraus mendaci compta colore, Met. 4, 46. Eálá hú leás is þysses middaneardes wela, Chr. 1086; P. 219, 6. (d) faulty, incorrect, false (as in false quantity) :-- Solocismus bið sum leás word on ðám ferse, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 294, 10.