
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ná-hwæðer

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

náwðer, náðer, nóðer;

pron. Neither :-- Náðor neuter, neutra, neutrum; náðres neutri; náðrum neutro, Ælfc. Gr. 18; Som. 21, 49. Getácnigende oððe sum þyngc tó dóne, oððe sum þingc tó þrowigenne, oððe náðor, 19; Som. 22, 23, 25. Náuðær næ síe tó ðon gedurstig ne cyning næ bisceop ne nánes hádes man nullus rex aut episcopus, vel, aliquis alius potens, sit tam audax, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. let neither of you deprive the other against his or her will, Past. 51; Swt. 399. 34. Hí gecýðaþ ðonne hié endiaþ ðæt hié náwðer ne bióþ, 16, 3 ; Fox 56, 27. Ða þing ða ðe náuðer ne sint, ne getréwe tó habbenne ne eác éðe tó forlǽtanne, 7, 2 ; Fox 18, 15. Dydon swá hwæðer swá hý dydon ne dohte him náwðer whichever of the two they did, neither did them any good, Bt. 29, 2; Fox 106, 2 : Exon. Th. 12, 22; Cri. 189. His rihtwísnys nolde hí neádian tó náðrum Homl. Th. i. 112, 3. Godes gelaþung nis búton náðrum ðæra (the strong and the weak), ii. 390, 29. Swá mín sáwl bád ðæt ðú swylce heó for náhwæðer nówiht hǽle sicut expectavit anima mea, pro nihilo salvos facies eos, Ps. Th. 55, 6. Ðæt se yfela mǽge dón yfel ðeáh hé gód ne mǽge, and se deáda ne mǽge náuðer dón, Bt. 36, 7 ; Fox 182, 25. Hié náðer (náwðer, Cott. MS.) ne mágon, ne ðín helpan ne heoraselfra, 14, 1 ; Fox 42, 9. Hié náðer næfdon siððan, ne heora namon ne heora anweald, Ors. 3, 1 ; Swt. 98, 7, Se ðe náðor nele, ne leornian ne tǽcan, Ælfc. Gr. pref. ; Som. 1, 34. v. next word. na-hwæþer,na-hwæðer

Palavras relacionadas: 218, 26. Ne fornime nóder óðer ofer will
