Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - nefne
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- nefne
- I. conj. connecting clauses, Unless, except :-- Hé hyra má ácwellan wolde, nefne him witig God forstóde, Beo. Th. 2116; B. 1056: 6101 ; B. 3054: Exon. Th. 340, 5 ; Gn. Ex. 106 : 345, 11; Gn. Ex. 186. Hí sǽdon, nemne (nisi) hí him máran andlyfne sealdon, ðæt hí woldan him sylfe niman, Bd. 1, 15 ; S. 483, 37. Hé læg swá swá deád mon nemne ðynre éðunge ánre ætýwde ðæt hé lífes wǽre quasi mortuus jacebat, halitu tantum pertenui quia viveret demonstrans, 5, 19 ; S. 640, 24. Nymne, 1, 27; S. 493, 38. Nó hé fóddor þigeþ, nemne meledeáwes dǽl gebyrge, Exon. Th. 215, 29; Ph. 260: 124, 12; Gú. 338: 249, 10; Jul. 109 : Beo. Th. 3108; B. 1552 : 5302; B. 2654. Næfne, 506; B. 250. On weres wæstmum, næfne (except that) hé wæs mára ðon ǽnig man óðer, 2710; B. 1353. Hwæt hæfðe seó godcunde þurh ða menniscan nemne búton ðæt heó mihte beón ácenned, Blickl. Homl. 19, 22. II. connecting words in the same case (contracted clauses, the verb of the second clause being the same as that in the first, and not expressed :-- Ne gehýrde nǽnig man on his múþe óht elles nefne Cristes lof and nytte sprǽce, 223, 36: Exon. Th. 308, 28 ; Seef. 46. Nǽneg dorste nefne sinfreá, Beo. Th. 3873 ; B. 1934. Ic lyt hafo heáfodmága nefne ðec, 4309 ; B. 2151. Ðæt unc ne gedǽlde nemne deáþ ána ówiht elles, Exon. Th. 442, 34 ; Kl. 23 : Andr. Kmbl. 1327; An. 664. III. prep. Except :-- Nemne feáum ánum, Beo. Th. 2167; B. 1081. nefne