
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - of-geótan

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

I. to moisten by pouring, souse, soak :-- Ofgeót mid ealaþ moisten the plants by pouring ale on them, Lchdm. ii. 140, 15 : iii. 28, 16. Ofgeót mid wætere, 48, 5. Ofgeót hý áne niht mid wýne ðanne on morgen nim ða leáf cnuca hý . . . and ofgeót hý mid ðan ylcan wíne ðe hý ǽr ofgotene wǽron soak them a night with wine, then in the morning take the leaves, pound them . . . and soak them with the same wine that they were soaked with before, 130, 30-132, 2. Sele wernmód on wearmum waetere ofgotenne, ii. 182, 6. II. to put out a fire by pouring water on it :-- Hit biþ gelíc, ðæt man mid wætere ðone weallendan welm (líg, MS. D. ) ofgeóte, ðæt hé leng ne mót ríxian, swá man mid ælmessan synna ealle álýseþ. Wulfst. 257, 21. Hí woldon ðæt fýr mid wætere ofgeótan, Homl. Th. ii. 166, 7. of-geotan