Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - on-þracian
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- on-þracian
- Add :-- Andþraciaþ horrescunt seems to have been read">herescunt (horrescunt seems to have been read, Cf. horrescunt andþrachiað, Hpt. Gl. 481, 24: both are glosses on Ald. 43, 38). Hi anðraciað to gefarenne lifes wegas, andswá ðeáh ne wandiað tó licgenne on stuntnysse heora ásolcennysse they dread to travel the ways of life, and yet do not shrink from lying in the folly of their sloth, Hml. Th. ii. 554, 1. Se man þe næbbe of hwám hé mæge rúmlíce ælmessan syllan, ne onðracige hé for ðám (let him not be alarmed on that account), Hml. A. 141, 80. Scamigan hí and anðracian (reuereantur) þá sécendan sáwle míne, Ps. L. 34, 4. Þá begann se wer wépan anðracigende ðæs ungelimpes (the untoward event (ungelimp) was the madness of the man's pious wife: the occasion of his fear on account of it is explained in Vit. Cuth. c. 15: Timebat, ne cum eam (the wife) daemoniosam inveniret, arbitrari inciperet, quia non integra Domino sed ficta fide seruisset), Hml. Th. ii. 142, 13.