
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - on-wreón

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

I. add :-- Hé onwreáh þá eorðan þe ǽr wæs oferþeaht, Ps. Th. 28, 7. Onwríg eágan míne, Ps. L. 118, 18. II. add: (1) to show to others, (a) to make known a material object :-- Meotud onwráh beorg on bearwe, Gú. 118. (b) a non-material object :-- Melchisedech godþrym onwráh éces alwaldan, Cri. 139. (c) a fact (stated in a clause) :-- 'Ðú eart þæs lyfigendes Godes Sunu' . . . hit þé ne onwreáh flǽsc ne blód, Mt. 16, 17. Críst onwráh . . . þæt is Euan scyld eal forpynded, Cri. 95. (2) to gain a knowledge of, discover for oneself :-- Ic þæs wuldres treówes oft hæfde ingemynd, ǽr ic þæt wundor onwrigen hæfde ymb þone beorhtan beám, El. 1254. III. add :-- Ðonne wé underfóð ðone hwǽte æt Gode, ðonne wé ongietað inweardlíce dá ǽ, and onwreóð ðá diéglan cwidas frumentum a Domino accepimus, quando in dictis obscurioribus subducto tegmine litterae per medullam Spiritus legis interna sentimus, Past. 369, 8. Maurus . . . God bæd ꝥ hé him geswutelode be ðæs sceoccan gylpe, and him gewislícor onwrige þæs áwyrgedan saga, Hml. S. 6, 323. IV. add :-- Þé ealle heortan mínre ic onwreáge díglu, Angl. xi. 119, 67, Þonne mannum beóð wunda onwrigene, þá þe on worulde ǽr firenfulle men geworhton, Seel. 89.

Palavras relacionadas: un-wreón. on-wreon
