Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - orþian
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- orþian
- p. ode To breathe, pant :--Ic orþige spiro, Ælfc. Gr. 19; Som. 22, 42. Ic on orþige inspiro, 47; Som. 48, 44. Animal is ǽlc þing ðæt orþaþ, 5 ; Som. 4, 41. Ðonne se sacerd cristnaþ, ðonne orþaþ hé on ðone man, Wulfst. 33, 18. Gást oreþaþ spiritus spirat, Jn. Skt. 3, 8. þurh ðæt lyft wé orþiaþ and eác ða nýtenu, Hexam. 4; Norm. 8, 18. Ælc þing ðe orþode omne quod spirare poterat, Jos. 10, 40. Orþode palpitavit (palpavit, MS. ), Germ. 402, 73. Orþige palpitet, 398, 116. Hé ne gedyrstlǽceþ ðæt hé furþon orþige he dare not even breathe, Homl;. Th. i. 456, 10. Hé earfoþlíce orþian mihte, 86, 8. Ðá ongann hé tó éðele ðæs upplícan lífes mid eallum gewilnungum orþian then began he to pant for the country of the life above with all his desires, ii. 118, 26. Orþiende swétnyssa spirans balsama, Hymn. Surt. 98, 19. orþian