
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - raðe

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

(aspirated and unaspirated forms occur, and each can alliterate; the two forms are given separately. adv. Quickly, soon, at once, directly, without hesitation :-- Raðe ilico, Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 68 :ocius, 64, 47. Ræðe ultro, 90, 8. Heó nam raðe (cito) hyre wǽfels, Gen. 24, 65. Cwelle hig man raðe (statim), L. Ecg. C. 39; Th. ii. 164, 1. Ðæt hine mon slóge swá raðe swá mon hiora fiénd wolde that they should kill him as soon (with as little compunction) as they would their enemies, Ors. 1, 12; Swt. 52, 35. Ða men wǽron swá raðe deáde swá ðæt yfel him an becom, 4, 5; Swt. 166, 7. Raðe ðæs directly afterwards, 3, 10; Swt. 138, 33. Héht lífes brytta leóht forþcuman ofer rúmne grund; raðe wæs gefylled heáhcininges hǽs, Cd. Th. 8, 13; Gen. 123 : 95, 26; Gen. 1584 : Exon. Th. 93, 15; Cri. 1526 : Beo. Th. 1453; B. 724. Ðæs cymþ raðor iste egredietur prius, Gen. 38, 28. Ne þincþ eów nó ðý raðor (none the sooner) heora genóh, Bt. 13; Fox 38, 31 : 30, 1; Fox 108, 9. Nán man hit náh tó geáhnianne raðost þinga (at the earliest), ǽr syx mónþum æfter ðam ðe hit forstolen wæs, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 13. Swá ðæt cild raðost ǽnig þing specan mǽge as soon as ever the child can speak, Wulfst. 39, 8. Ðonne mágon wé hí swá raðosð (in the quickest manner possible) tó ryhte gecierran, Past. 32; Swt. 209, 21. raðe,raþe

Palavras relacionadas: hraðe);
