
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - rǽdan

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Two verbs originally distinct seem to coalesce under this form, the strong rǽdan; p. reórd, réd; pp. rǽden : Goth. ga-rédan : O. Sax. rádan; p. réd, ried : O. Frs. réda; p. réd : O. H. Ger. rátan; p. riet, riat : Icel. ráða; p. réð, and the weak rǽdan; p. rǽdde : Goth. ga-raidjan : O. H. Ger. ant-reitjan ordinare : Icel. g-reiða. The strong forms are rare. I. to counsel, give advice :-- Ic rǽde ðé consulo tibi, Wrt. Voc. i. 49, 37. Girwan Godes tempel, swá hire gásta weard reórd, Elen. Kmbl. 2043; El. 1023. Hé rád and rǽdde, rincum tǽhte hú hí sceoldon standan, Byrht. Th. 132, 18; By. 18. Ðæt folc eall hrýmde, swá swá Josue him rǽdde, Jos. 6, 5 (20, Grn.). Rǽdende consulentes, consilium dantes, Hpt. Gl. 491, 20. II. to ask advice, consult a person :-- Ic fríne vel ic rǽde consulo, i. inquiro (cf. ic fríne ðé consulo te, i. 49, 38), Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 79. II a. to consult, deliberate, take counsel upon a matter (acc.) with (wið) a person :-- Justinus rǽdde wið ða cristenan, hwæne hí tó bisceope ceósan wolde, Homl. Th. i. 434, 28. Wið ðone rǽdde Chromatius, and be his rǽde underféng ealle ða cristenan, Homl. Skt. i. 5, 323. Him þúhte and ðǽm ðé hé hit wið rǽdde, L. Ath. callide cogitantes, Jos. 9, 4. Ðá gesomnedon hí gemót and þeahtedon and rǽddon hwæt him tó dónne wǽre initum est consilium quid agendum, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 36. Ðá rédon (rǽddan, MSS. C.) hí him betweónum consultatione habita, Ors. 1, 14; Swt. 56, 20. Ðá ongunnon ða Phariséi rǽdan consilium inierunt, Mt. Kmbl. 22, 15. Bisceopum gebyreþ ðæt symle mid heom wunian wel geþungene witan, ðæt hí wið rǽdan mágan, L. I. P. 10 ; Th. ii. 316, 23. Man rǽdan sceolde hú man ðisne eard werian sceolde, Chr. l010; Erl.144, 7. II b. to read a riddle">to read. v. VI b)">to debate, speak in council (or (?) to read. v. VI b) :-- Rádaþ (rǽdaþ) l maðeliaþ concionantur, sermocinantur, loquuntur, Hpt. Gl. 461, 1. Rǽdende l wordiende concionandi, loquentes, 461, 35. II c. to deliberate for the good of any one, look to, provide for :-- Míne sáwle rǽd on écnysse animae meae in aeternum consules, L. Ecg. P. iv. 67; Th. ii. 228, 3. Rǽdende consulens, i. consilium tenens, providens, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 77. Rǽdende consulentes, succurrentes, Hpt. Gl. 491, 20. III. to resolve after deliberation, to determine, decide :-- Ðæt folc rǽdde be him ðæt hí woldon hine áhebban tó cyninge ... Ðá ðá Crist ongeat ðæs folces willan, Homl. Th. i. 162, 3-6. Acðeáh man hwæt rǽdde, ðæt ne stód furðon ǽnne mónaþ, Chr. 1010; Erl. 144, 9. Hí rǽddon ðæt hí woldon ðone cyng gesettan út of Englalandes cynedóme, 1075; Erl. 213, 10. Hí ealle ánmódlíce rǽddon ðæt ealle his gesetnyssa áýdlode wǽron, Homl. Th. i. 60, 4. Rǽdan decernere, Wrt. Voc. ii. 27, 67. III a. rǽdan on (cf. Icel. ráða á einn to attack one) to proceed against, take action against a person :-- Wæs ðam eorle Godwine and his sunan gecýdd, ðæt se cyng and ða menn ðe mid him wǽron woldon rǽdon on hí, Chr. 1048; Erl. 178, 30. IV. to rule, govern, direct (with dat. or inst.) :-- Ðú ðe Israéla ǽðelum cynne reccest and rǽdest qui regis Israel, Ps. Th. 79,1. Hé rǽt ús and recþ ipse reget nos, 47, 12. Drihten mé rǽt (regit), 22, 1. God ðe rǽt and gewissaþ eallum gesceaftum, Chart. Th. 239, 34. Hé reht anð rǽt eallum gesceaftum, swá swá gód steóra ánum scipe, Bt. 35, 3; Fox 158, 25. God ðe him stiórde and racode and rǽdde, 34,12; Fox 154, 6. Ðætte God rǽdde and weólde ealles middaneardes, 35, 2; Fox 156, 31. Ðæt hé (the abbot) sceal rǽdan and racian óðra manna sáulum, R. Ben. 14, 6. Hwá meahte iéð monnum rǽdan bútan scylde quis principari hominibus tam sine culpa potuisset ? Past. 3, 1; Swt. 33, 16. Ðam ðe hié (the Church) wel ofer mǽge and hiere wel rǽdan cunne ei qui hanc bene regere praevalet, 5, 2; Swt. 45, 1. Ic mæg rǽdan on ðís ríce, Cd. Th. 19, l0; Gen. 289. Ða ðe ðý ríce rǽdan sceoldon, 259, 4; Dan. 686. Wolde dóm Godes dǽdum rǽdan gumena gehwylcum the decree of God would govern the deeds of every man, Beo. Th. 5709; B. 2858. V. to have the disposal of, have possession of :-- Ðone máððum ðe ðú mid rihte rǽdan sceoldest, 4119; B. 2056. Ðenden hié ðý ríce rǽdan móston, Cd. Th. 216, 18; Dan. 8. Bútan hý ðý reáfe rǽdan mótan, Exon. Th. 110, 6; Gú. 103. VI. to read (a) as in to read a riddle, to explain; conjicere :-- Ic rǽde swefn conicio, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 40. Módor ne rǽdoþ (-aþ, MS.) ðonne heó magan cenneþ, hú him weorðe geond woruld sceapen a mother cannot read a boy's fate at his birth, Salm. Kmbl. 741; Sal. 370. Rǽde se ðe wille hú wunda cwǽden, Exon. Th. 441, 11; Rä. 60, 16. Rǽd hwæt ic mǽne, 479, 18; Rä. 62, 9. Ðá ongan hé mid gleáwe móde rǽdan coepit sagaci animo conjicere, Bd. 3, 10; S. 534, 21, MS. B. (b) to read a book; legere :-- Ic rǽde lego, ðú rǽtst legis, Ælfc. Gr. 22; Som. 24, 1. Rǽtt legit, 44; Som. 45, 49. On hwylcum dæge man rǽt .ix. kl. apr. swá fela beóþ concurrentes ... gif man rǽt ðæne datu-rum on Sunnandæg ðænne byþ án, Anglia viii. 302, 19-20. Se ðe rǽt (rǽdæ, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. 24, 15. Hé rǽdde his bóc ðam folce, Ex. 24, 7. Hé him gebæd and his béc rǽdde, Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 4. Ne rǽdde gé (gé hreórdeþ, Rush.) hwæt Dauid dyde, Mt. Kmbl. 12, 3. Ne rǽdde gé (gé ne reórdade, Rush.), 19, 4. Rǽddon (reórdadun, Rush.), 21, 16. Rǽdde (reórdun, Rush.), 21, 42. Mé lyst rǽdan lecturio, Ælfc. Gr. 34; Som. 37, 56. Réða to read, Mt. Kmbl. p. 1, 8. Hé árás tó rédanne, Lk. Skt. Rush. Lind. 4, 16 : Rtl. 195, 16. Hé mé sealde bóc tó rǽdanne, Bd. 5, 13; S. 632, 37. Ðæt gewrit wæs rǽded beforan ðam cyninge, 5, 21; S. 643, 11. Ðá ðæt godspel rǽdd wæs, Blickl. Homl. 161, 9. Wé gehýrdon ðá ðá Esaias se wítga rǽden wæs, 167, 28. VII. to prepare (?) :-- Hé sceal ǽlcre wucan erian .i. æcer and rǽdan sylf ðæt sǽd on hlafordes berne, L. R. S. 4; Th. i. 434, 15. (Cf. last passage under rǽcan.) v. á-, be-, for-, ge-, mis-, ofer-rǽdan. rædan

Palavras relacionadas: 12; Th. i. 240, 27. Hí gamenlíce rǽddon
