
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ríceter[e]

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


n. I. power, dominion, rule, greatness, glory :-- Rícceter gloria, Germ. 389, 41. Wé ne sceolon ða rícan for heora ríccetere wurðian we are not to honour the great ones for their greatness, Homl. Th. i. 128, 22. Ðam láreówe gedafenaþ ðæt hé hogie hú manegra manna sáwle hé mǽge Gode gestrýnan ... ná hú micel hé mǽge mid his rícetere him tó geteón it behoves the teacher to strive how many men's souls he can gain for God, not how much he can draw to himself by his power, ii. 532, 30. Gyf kyng mid his ríccetere his folc ofsit, ðon biþ hé tyrannus, Ælfc. Gr. 50, 20; Som. 51, 47 : Homl. Th. i. 242, 4. Wite se abbod, ðæt hé ða gýmenne ðara untrumra sáula tó rihtre lácnunge underféng, and ná for rícetere ðe hé ofer ða hæbbe ðe hále syndon, R. Ben. 51, 12. Ne ongyte wé ðæt ðǽr ǽnigra háda andfencg wǽre, ðæt is ðæt ǽnig be líues rícetere, ac ǽlc be his neóde and untrumnesse ancnáwen wǽre we do not understand that in this case there was any acceptance of persons, that is that recognition was made of any one in proportion to the greatness of his position in life, but of each according to his need and weakness, 57, 21. Smeáge se abbod hú hé swíðor ðám sáwlum fremian mǽge, ðonne hé hogige embe rícitere his andwealdes, 118, 21. Hríceter monarchium, principatum, regnum, Hpt. Gl. 414, 17. Ríciter, 422, 26 : 511, 11. Rícetere l ealdordóm, 453, 41 : 465. 26. Ríceter potentiam, Blickl. Gl. Ðone ealdordóm and ðæt ríceter ðe se reccere for monigra monna þearfe underféhþ hé hine sceal eówian útan, Past. 17, 7; Swt. 119, 61. Hé dyde him ðæt ríoeter tó sida and tó gewunan ministerium regiminis vertit in usum dominationis, 17, 9; Swt. 121, 19. II. power improperly used, violence, force :-- Hé (Lucifer) wolde mid ríccetere him ríce gewinnan, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 42. Ðæt nán ðara cyninga ðe cumaþ æfter mé oððe ealdorman oððe óðer ríca mid ǽnigum ríccetere oððe unrihte ðiss ne áwende, Chart. Th. 243, 13 : Homl. Th. i. 82, 21. Hú mæg, oððe hú dear ǽnig láwede man him tó geteón þurh ríccetere Cristes wican ? ii. 592, 27. ricetere