Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ríht
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ríht
- adj. I. add :-- Þǽr is ǽlc treów swá riht swá bolt, E. S. viii. 477, 13. Gif mon on his wege biþ gedwolod, sleá him ánne spearcan beforan, biþ hé sóna on rihtan (in the right way), Lch. ii. 290, 18. Mín Drihten . . . wæs on rihte róde úp áhafen . . . sceal mín ród onwended beón, Bl. H. 191, 4. Se wítega (St. John) sǽde on his gesihðe ꝥ þǽra feówer nýtena fét wǽron rihte, and hí eódon ǽfre æfter ðám gáste, Hml. S. 15, 204. III. add :-- Wærstánes fæder wæs riht ǽht tó Hǽðfelda, Cht. Th. 650, 11. IV. add :-- Man mid wítum ofgán willad æt mé ꝥ ic mid rihtan þingon (by fair means) begyten hæfde, Hml. S. 23, 600. IV a. of persons, upright, righteous :-- Ðá ðe ryhtre (rihtre, Ps. L.) synt heortan qui recto sunt corde, Ps. Vos. 93, 15. Wuldriað ealle rehte (recti) on heortan, 31, 11. Þá ryhte synt of heortan, Ps. Rdr. 93, 15. Cynren rihtwísra l rihtra (ðeára rehtra, Ps. Srt.) generatio rectorum, Ps. L. 111, 2. Rihtum (rectis) he is mildheort, 4. Þám gódum and rihtum on heortan, 124, 4. V. add :-- Se hýra, sé ðe nis riht hyrde, Hml. Th. i. 238, 14.