Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - rihtlíce
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- rihtlíce
- adv. I. rightly, justly, with justice or equity :-- Rihtlíce juste, rihtlícor justius, rihtlícost justissime, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 40, 50. Him getímode swíðe rihtlíce ðæt hí mid hiora árleásan hláforde ealle forwurdon, Homl. Th. i. 88, 30. Ðú rihtlíce dǽlest mete ðínum mannum, Hy. 7, 70, II. rightly, in a manner which suits the circumstances of a case :-- Swíðe ryhtlíce hit wæs áwriten æfter ðǽm nítenum ðæt ða heargas wǽron átiéfrede recte post animalia idola describuntur, Past. 21, 3; Swt. 157, 6 : 21, 5; Swt. 163, 21. Æfter ðon wé singaþ rihtlíce on his lof : 'Hǽl ús on ðǽm héhstan,' Blickl. Homl. 81, 27. Hú ne belimpþ se weorþscipe tó ðam ðe hine geweorþaþ? ðæt is tó herianne hwéne rihtlícor, Bt. 14, 3; Fox 46, 13. III. rightly, in accordance with rules or regulations, regularly :-- Gewunelíce l rihtlíce rite, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 44. Rihtlíce gehálgad canonice ordinatus, Bd. 3, 28; S. 560, 28. Ða þénunge hé rihtlíce gefyllan ne mihte ministerium regulariter implere nequibat, 5, 6; S. 620, 9. Gif hé rihtlíce (in such a way as to observe the rules imposed by Christianity) Cristen beón wille, 4, 5; S. 573, 18. Ða munecas beádon hine (the abbot) ðæt hé sceolde healdan hí rihtlíce, Chr. 1083; Erl. 217, 5. Ða witan cwǽdon ðæt him nán leófre hláford nǽre ðonne heora gecynde hláford gif hé hí rihtlícor healdan wolde (if he would rule with better observance of the laws) ðonne hé ǽr dyde, 1014; Erl. 150, 7. IV. rightly as regards conduct :-- Wé sceolan gód weorc wyricean and rihtíice libban, Blickl. Homl. 75, 13 : 109, 13. Riht is ðæt gehádode men ðám lǽwedum wísian hú hí heora ǽwe rihtlícost sculon healdan, L. I. P. 22; Th. i. 332, 28.