
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ryne

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add; the course, movement, or path of a living creature :-- Fiþerscíte rene quadripedante cursu (ferarum), An. Ox. 1569. Hé mid hrædestan ryne arn, Hml. S. 23 b, 186. Hé gewunode on þám gesettum tídum þæs dæges þone ryne his síðfætes gefæstnian, 163. Flugulum rynum fugitiuis disscursibus (apum), An. Ox. 7, 29. III. add :-- Singal rine perpes (aqueductuum) decursus, An. Ox. 509. Oft gedónre ýþunge se streám mid his rynum and mid his uppgange gewunode ꝥ hé tógoten wæs geond his æceras fluvius . . . saepe inundatione facta cursus sui alveum egressus per agros diffundi consueverat, Gr. D. 192, 17. IV. add :-- Þæs mónan swiftnes áwyrpð út ǽnne dæg and áne niht of ðám getæle his rynes (from the period of a lunation) ǽfre ymbe neogontýne geár, Lch. iii. 264, 22. Se sídfæt þe Zosimus on .xx. dagum oferfór, ꝥ eall Maria on ánre tíde ryne gefylde, Hml. S. 23 b, 761. Cum nú ymb geáres rynu, 706. Þá gelamp hit imbe geára rina, Chr. P. 3, 18. V. add :-- Gefylledum ryne consummato (vitae) curriculo, i. cursu, An. Ox. 2147. Hí bútan ǽghwilcre gedréfednysse heora ryne gefyldon, Hml. S. 23 b, 103.

Palavras relacionadas: ed-, hors- (?), scip-, singal-, swift- (?), tó-, un-, ymb-ryne. ryne,-ryne
