Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - sagu
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- sagu
- and indecl.? f. I. a saw, say (to say one's say), saying, statement, story, tale :-- Racu, sagu sermo. Hpt. Gl. 433, 12. Nis ðis nán gedwimor ne nán dwollíc sagu. Jud. Thw. p. 159, 27. Ic háte healdan hí óþ ðæt heora sagu áfandod sý. Homl. Th. ii. 484, 3. Teónan ðú wyrcst ús mid ðisse sage haec dicens nobis contumeliam facis, Lk. Skt. II, 45. Sagu dictu (cf. gesægene dictu, 28, 47), Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 7. Hí sǽdon ðam kinge ðæt hé hæfde swýðe ágylt wið Crist. . . . Ðá læg se king and ásweartode eall mid ðare sage. Chart. Th. 340, 1. Gehýr ðú ðás race ná swilce leáse sagu ac geworden þing audi fabulam, non fabulam sed rem gestam, Ælfc. T. Grn. 16, 12. Geendebrednege ða sago þinga ordinary narrationem rerum, Mt. Kmbl. p. 7, 2, 9. Fabulae synd ða saga ðe menn secgaþ ongeán gecynde, Ælfc. Gr. 50, 29; Zup. 296, 5. Spellenga, sagena sermonum, Hpt. Gl. 505, 77. Ic ðínra bysna ne mæg, worda ne wísna wuht oncnáwan, síðes ne sagona, Cd. Th. 34, 9; Gen. 535. Sagum fabulis, Lk. Skt. p. 2, 10, 11. II. saying, narration, telling, report:-- Se hlísa ðe þurh yldra manna segene (sage, MS. B. ) tó ús becom opinio quae traditione majorum ad nos perlata est, Bd. 2, 1; S. 501, 2. III. statement of a witness, testimony :-- Tó hwí wilnige wé ǽnigre ððre sage quid adhuc egemus testibus, Mt. Kmbl. 26, 65. Ne gehýrst ðú hú fela sagena (quanta testimonia) hig ongén ðé secgeaþ, 27, 13. Hí sóhton leáse saga (falsum testimonium) ongén ðone Hǽlend, 26, 59. IV. a saying beforehand, foretelling :-- Of sage fatidicum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 22. Saga presagia, 67, 46. Sagum praesagminibus, vaticinationibus, divina-tionibus, Hpt. Gl. 448, 64. [Ælc his saȝe sæide, Laym. 26345. Heo wenden þat his sawen (2nd MS. sawes) soðe weren, 749. A. R. saȝe, sawe, sahe: Chauc. Piers P. sawe: O. H. Ger. saga assertio, narratio, sermo, enuntiatio: Icel. saga story, tale.]