Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - scilling
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- scilling
- II. add :-- Sum mon sealde óþrum scilling seolfres tó borge, Shrn. 127, 25. Scil[ing] dragmam, An. Ox. 348. Hú þá scillingas (solidi) wurdon þurh wundor ágifene þám biddendum . . . Sum wer . . . sǽde ꝥ hé wǽre geswenced from his moniendan for .xii. scyllingum . . . þá wǽron fundene .xiii. scillingas . . . Se Godes wer þá sealde þám biddere and cwæð ꝥ hé ágeáfe his maniendum þá .xii. and þone ǽnne hǽfde him tó his ágenre nytte (In the story as told in Hml. Th. ii. 176-8 the amount owed is healf pund, and the additional sum provided is twéntig penega), Gr. D. 157, 16-158, 21. scilling