
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - sóþ

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n. Sooth. I. truth in a general sense, conformity with an absolute standard:--Ðæt is fruma worda ðínra ðæt ðǽr byþ sóð symble méted principium verborum tuorum veritas, Ps. Th. 118, 160. Ðæt his sóð fore ús genge weorðe, Exon. 147, 33; Gú. 736. Swá ic geornlícor ðæt sylfe sóþ sóhte swá ic hit læs métte. Nú ðonne ic ondette ðæt on ðysse láre ðæt sylfe sóþ scíneþ, ðæt ús mæg syllan éces lífes hǽlo, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 29-32. Ic on ðínum sóðe gancge ambulabo in veritate tua, Ps. Th. 85, 10. I a. truth, that which conforms to an absolute standard:--Mid Sigelwarum sóð yppe wearð, dryhtlíc dóm Godes, Apstls. Kmbl. 128; Ap. 64. Ða ðe Godes lage healdaþ and sóþes gelýfaþ, Wulfst. 4, 8. Of eorðan cwom æþelast sóða, Ps. Th. 84, 10. I b. truth, what is true in general:--Se ðe lýhþ oððe ðæs sóðes ansaceþ, Salm. Kmbl. 365; Sal. 182. Hé can him gesceád betweox sóðe and unsóðe, Wulfst. 51, 29. Ic tó sóðe (as a general truth) wát ðæt biþ in eorle indryhten þeáw, ðæt hé his ferðlocan fæste binde, Exon. Th. 287, 9; Wand. 11. II. truth in regard to a particular circumstance, exact conformity with the facts of a case:--Ðære gesyhþe sóþ (its agreement with what actually occurred) wæs hraþe gecýþed on ðære fǽmnan deáþe, Bd. 4, 8; S. 576, 10. Ðæs gehátes and ðæs wítedómes sóþ se æfterfyligenda becyme ðara wísena geséþde, 4, 29; S. 607, 35. Ne meaht ðú nō mid sóþe getǽlan ðíne wyrd . . . hit is leásung ðæt ðú wénst ðæt ðú seó ungesǽlig, Bt. 10; Fox 28, 1. Is tó ðære tíde tælmet hwíle emne mid sóðe seofon and twentig, Andr. Kmbl. 227; An. 114. II a. truth, fidelity to a promise:--Hé him gehét his ǽriste, swá hé mid sóðe (in exact accordance with his promise) gefylde, Blickl. Homl. 17, 4. Deópne áð Drihten áswór and ðone mid sóðe getrymede, Ps. Th. 131, 11. Gif hé on sóþe tóweard cyneríce geháteþ, Bd. 2, 12; S. 514, 7. II b truth, reality, certainty, real condition of things, what really is:--Nú mæg sóð hit sylf gecýþan now can the truth declare itself, Blickl. Homl. 187, 16. Tó lytel andgyt biþ on ðæs mannes heortan ðe nele sóðes gelýfan, ðéh hé sylf his ágenum eágum eal ne gesáwe, Wulfst. 3, 20: 93, 22. Gé mengan ongunnon lyge wið sóðe, Elen. Kmbl. 613; El. 307. Gé wiðsócon sóðe, ðæt in Bethleme bearn cenned wǽre, 780; El. 390. Gif hit man tó sóðe ongite if it is known as a fact, Deut. 17, 4. Ic tó sóþe wát, Exon. Th. 275, 9; Jul. 547. Men ne cunnon secgan tó sóðe men cannot certainly say, Beo. Th. 101; B. 51. Secge ic ðé tó sóðe, ðæt. . . , 1184; B. 590. Gif ðú him tó sóðe sægst if you tell him it as a fact, Cd. Th. 36, 11; Gen. 570. Ic feówer men geseó tó sóðe I really see four men, 242, 8; Dan. 416. Syle mé ða tó sóðe give me it really, Ps. Th. 118, 144. Ic wát ðæt ðú sóþ segst, Bt. 26, 1; Fox 92, 8: Jn. Skt. 19, 15. Hé á tó ǽghwylcum sóð sprecende wæs, Blickl. Homl. 223, 29. Ðeáh gé ða ǽ cúðon, gé ne woldon sóð oncnáwan, Elen. Kmbl. 790; El. 395. Bútan ðú forlǽte ða leásunga and mé sweotollíce sóð gecýðe, 1377; El. 690. Ðeáh ic ðæt sóð tó late gecneówe, 1412; El. 708. Hwæðer mon sóð ðe lyge sagaþ, Exon. Th. 80, 15; Cri. 1307. Wite ðú for sóð be certain of this, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 17. Nǽni eft cymeþ ðe dæt for sóð mannum secge, hwylc sý Meotodes gesceaft, Menol. Fox 590; Gn. C. 64. Ic eów fela wille sóða gesecgan, Exon. Th. 116, 30; Gú. 215. II c. affirmation of truth, asseveration:--Preóst hine clǽnsie sylfæs sóðe ðus cweðende: Veritatem dico in Xpo, non mentior, L. Win. 18; Th. i. 40, 14. III. truth, conformity with right, righteousness, equity, justice:--Hú ic míne heortan heólde mid sóðe justificavi cor meum, Ps. Th. 72, 11. Ic sóð déme ego justitiam judicabo, 74, 2. Ðæt mǽre sóð justitiam tuam, 70, 18. Suna cynincges syle ðæt hé sóð healde justitiam tuam da filio regis, 71, 1. Se ðe his sóþ and riht symble healdeþ justus, 111, 6. Gif wé sóþ and riht on úrum lífe dón willaþ, Blickl. Homl. 129, 32. Se ðe sóð and riht fremeþ on folce, Beo. Th. 3405; B. 1700. Snyttra brúceþ ðe warnaþ him wommas worda and dǽda and sóþ fremeþ, Exon. Th. 304, 35 ; Fä. 80. Hié firendǽda tó frece wurdon sóð ofergeáton, Drihtnes dómas, Cd. Th. 155, 32; Gen. 2581. [O. Sax. sóð.] and next word. soþ

Palavras relacionadas: un-sóþ,
