
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - steám

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

stém, stiém, es;

m. I. steam, hot exhalation, hot breath :-- Him (Herod) stód stincende steám of ðam múðe, Homl. Th. i. 86, 14. Forlǽt wynsumne réc ástígan ... Ðá of ðære stówe steám up árás swylce réc, Elen. Kmbl. 1603; El. 803. Stenc út cymeþ of ðam wongstede, wynsumra steám swæcca gehwylcum, Exon. Th. 358, 14; Pa. 45. Man píntreów bærne tó glédum ... wende his neb tó and onfó ðam stéme (the heat proceeding from the embers), Lchdm. ii. 284, 16. Of hómena æþme and stiéme cymþ eágna mist, 26, 26. Fleó ða mettas ða ðe him stiém on innan wyrcen, 226, 10. II. that which emits hot vapour, blood :-- Forléton mé standan steáme bedrifenne they left me (the cross) standing bespattered with blood, Rood Kmbl. 123; Kr. 62. [A stem als it were a sunnebem, Havel. 591. Steem or lowe of fyre flamma, steem of hothe lycure vapor, Prompt. Par

Palavras relacionadas: 473.] steam
