Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - stíg
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- stíg
- f. A path (lit. and fig.), footpath, (narrow) way:--Orweg stíg (given already as a compound, orweg-stíg, but orweg should be taken as adjective) devia callis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 139, 57. Horweg stíg, 25, 25. Horuaeg stiig, Txts. 56, 340. Strǽt wæs stánfáh, stíg wísode gumum ætgædere, Beo. Th. 646; B. 320: 4433; B. 2213: Andr. Kmbl. 1970; An. 987. Eástewearde andlang weges on hemléclége; eástewearde andlang stíge on Ulfan treów, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 437, 4. Of Heort-wyllan on ða ealdan stíge; ðæt andlang stíge, 438, 34. Leóht stíge mínre lumen semitis meis, Ps. Th. 118, 105. Stíge calce (calle?), Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 66: 95, 74. Gebígdre stíge flexo tramite, 149, 46: Hpt. Gl. 493, 18. Fram stíge tramite, via, 486, 68. Tó rihtre stíge geteón ad rectum tramitem revocare, Bd. 5, 9; S. 623, 13: 1, 12; S. 481, 8. Ðú ná forfleó [weg] hǽle se ðe nis búton mid stíge tó onginnenne non refugias viam salutis que non est nisi angusto initio incipienda, R. Ben. Interl. 6, 8. Be westan róde óó sticelan stíg; ðonne be ðære stíge óð ða ealdan díc, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 406, 29. Of ðam stáne tó ðære grénan stíge, 38, 23. Ðýlæs ða gongen on suá frécne stíge ða ðe ne mágon uncwaciende gestondan on emnum felda ne, qui in planis stantes titubant, in praecipiti pedem ponant, Past. 4, 2; Swt. 41, 7. Geseoh nú seolfes swæðe, swá ðín swát ágeát, blódige stíge, Andr. Kmbl. 2883; An. 1444. Stíga ðíne semitae tuae, Ps. Spl. 76, 19. Stíge (semitas) ðíne lǽr mé, Ps. Surt. 24, 4. Gif se níðsceaþa nearwe stíge mé on swaþe séceþ if the foe seek narrow paths in my track, Exon. Th. 397, 24; Rä. 16, 24. Steáp stánhliðo, stíge nearwe, enge ánpaðas, Beo. Th. 2823; B. 1409. [We sculde makien his stiȝes, O. E. Homl. i. 7, 1. He sende bi stiȝen (weies, 2nd MS.) and by straten, Laym. 16366. Þiss Lamb iss þatt rihhte stih, Orm. 12916. Rihhteþþ Drihhtiness narrwe stiȝhess, 9202. Sty, by pathe semita, callis, Prompt. Parstie, and cf. Stye-head, the pass from Borrowdale to Wastdale. O. H. Ger. stíga semita, trames, callis: Icel. stígr; m. a path, footway. Cf. Goth. staiga a path.] v. medu-, mylen-stíg; stíga. stig