
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - styrian

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

p. ede, ode To stir, move:?-Ic styrige moveo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 5; Zup. 156, 9. I. intrans. To be in motion:?-Hé sig ofer ða deór and ofer ealle ða creópende ðe stiraþ on eorþan praesit bestiis omnique reptili, quad movetur in terra, Gen. 1, 26. Ealle ða þing ðe on eorðan stiriaþ . . . Eall ðæt ðe styraþ and leofaþ, 9, 2, 3. Eall flǽsc ðe ofer eorðan styrode, 7, 21. Streámas styredon, Andr. Kmbl. 747; An. 374. Ne stira ðú, sunne, of ðam stede, Jos. 10, 12. Hí ne móton swíþor styrian, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 8. Ða styriendan nétenu, 41, 5; Fox 252, 24. Hý wǽron styriende commoti sunt, Ps. Th. 47, 5. Styrendum mobilibus, Mt. Kmbl. p. 8, 7. II. trans. To put in motion:?-Styrede agitabat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 10, 53: exagitabat, Txts. 180, 2. (1) of physical movement:--Hé styreþ ðone rodor and ða tunglu coelum ac sidera movet, Bt. 39, 8; Fox 224, 6: Exon. Th. 422, 29; Rä. 41, 13. Hí heora ágene stefne styriaþ, Met. 13, 49. Hé dyde ðæt án ǽren nædré hý styrede, Wulfst. 98, 22. Ða stánas hí styredon for ðam swége, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 168, 1. Hé sceal gán and hyne styrian he must walk and move about, Lchdm. i. 316, 17. (1 a) to move the strings of an instrument:--Ealle strengas se hearpere grét mid ánre honda, ðeáh hé hié ungelíce styrige, Past. 23; Swt. 175, 10. Ic míne hearpan genam and míne strengas styrian ongan, Wulfst. 255, 9. Hearpan stirgan, Exon. Th. 42, 8; Cri. 669. (1 b) to put in violent motion, to stir up, disturb, agitate:?- Ic (the storm) streámas styrge, Exon. Th. 386, 31; Rä. 4, 70: 382, 11; Rä. 3, 9. Ðonne wind styreþ láð gewidru, Beo. Th. 2753; B. 1374. Hé hringsele hondum styrede, 5673; B. 2840. Styre mid sticcan, Lchdm. ii. 76, 25. [Streámas] styrgan, Exon. Th. 383, 29; Rä. 4, 18. Sele him styrgendne drenc, Lchdm. ii. 106, 25. Duruþegnum wearð hildbedd styred (disturbed; referring to the only course that seemed left to the cannibals, when the prison was found without their intended victims, viz to feed on the bodies of the dead prison-guards), Andr. Kmbl. 2186; An 1094. (2) figuratively, to stir up, to excite, incite, rouse, move:?-Óþ sædnysse stirgit ad congeriem (satietatem) coartet, Germ. 391, 30. Nán ðæra wǽtena ðe druncennysse styriaþ, Homl. Th. ii. 298, 19. Saca and wraca hé styrede gelóme, Wulfst. 106, 26. Gárulf Gúðere styrode, Fins Th. 37; Fin. 18. Swá sceal ǽghwelc láreów tó ánre lufan mid mislícum manungum his hiéremonna mód styrigean, Past. 23; Swt. 175, 12. (2 a) to handle, treat, deal with:?-Secg ongan síð Beówulfes snyttrum styrian, Beo. Th. 1749; B. 872. (2 b) to move, disturb, trouble, agitate:?-Mid ðǽm bisgum ðe on breóstum styreþ mon on móde, Met. 22, 64. Ðara synfullena handa mé ná ne styrien, Ps. Th. 35, 11. Ða ðe mé mid unryhte ǽnige styrian qui insurgunt in me, 108, 27. Swá bióþ módsefan of hiora stede styrede, Met. 7, 25. [Laym. A. R. sturien: Orm. stirenn: Ayenb. sterie. Cf. Icel. styrr stir, tumult, disturbance.]

Palavras relacionadas: á-, be-, ge-, geond-, on-, ymb-styrian. styrian
