Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - swǽfas
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
, Swǽfe;
- Swǽfas
- pl. A Germanic people, the Suevi or Alamanni ('um diese zeit (4th cent.) pflegt an die stelle des alten Suevennamens die benennung Alamannen einzutreten,' Grmm. D. S. 348), the Swabians :-- Swǽfas forhergodon ealle Galliam Alamanni Gallias pervagantes, Ors. 6, 24; Swt. 276, 3. Wið norþan Donua ǽwielme and be eástan Ríne sindon Eást-Francan; and be súþan him sindon Swǽfas, on óþre healfe ðære ié Donua; and be súþan him and be eástan sindon Bægware, se dǽl ðe mon Regnesburg hǽtt . . . Tó ðǽm beorgan ðe mon Alpis hǽtt licgaþ Begwara landgemǽro and Swǽfa, 1, 1; Swt. 16, 1-14. Engle and Swǽfe, Exon. Th. 321, 10; Wíd. 44. Mid Englum ic wæs and mid Swǽfum. 322, 10; Wíd. 61. Witta weóld Swǽfum, 319, 34; Wíd. 22. [O. H. Ger. Suáb Alamannus, Suába, Suápa Suevi.] swæfas