Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - swín
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- swín
- Add :-- Þá semninga geféldon hí án swýn (porcum) yrnende hider and þider betwyh heora fótum, ꝥ sum ꝥ swýn heora hwylc gefélde ... sóhte ꝥ swín þá duru þǽre cyrcan ... and ne mihte hit nán man geseón, and swá þeáh hí hit mihton gefélan, Gr. D. 236, 1-6. Ne án cú ne án swín næs belyfon ꝥ næs gesæt on his (William I) gewrite, Chr. 1085; P. 216, 29. Genim swínes scearu þæs þe on dúnlande and wyrtum libbe, Lch. ii. 62. 27. Æðelsige forstæl Æðelwines swín ... ðá ridon his men tó and tugon út ðæt spic of Æðelsiges húse, and he oðbærst tó wuda, C.D. iii. 291, 15. Ic ann ꝥ ðridde treów and ꝥ ðridde swiin (printed swun) of æuesan ðæs wudes (the Latin version is: Dono tertiam quamque arborem et tertiam quamque sarcinam iumentariam fructuum qui nascuntur in sylua), i