
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - tácnian

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

p. ode. I. to make a mark upon something, to mark :-- Seó líget ðæt deófol bærneþ and tácnaþ, Salm. Kmbl. p. 148, 4. II. to be a token or mark of something, to indicate, mark :-- Se steorra ðe wé hátaþ ǽfensteorra, ðonne hé biþ west gesewen, ðonne tácnaþ hé ǽfen, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 232, 34. Ðysne dæg hié nemdon siges dæg; se nama tácnaþ ðone sige ðe Drihten wiþstód deófle, Blickl. Homl. 67, 14. Tácnendi index, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 40. III. to indicate, point out :-- Hé þurh his láre éces lífes wegas sægde and tácnode, Blickl. Homl. 129, 18. IV. to signify, (a) to express a meaning by means of figure or symbol, to express figuratively or symbolically :-- Hálige gewreotu ús tácniaþ ðás world þurh ðone mónan, Blickl. Homl. 17, 21. Hé bær him æcse and adesan on handa, tácnode (signabat) on ðám, ðæt hé tó gewinne on ðæt mynster eode, Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 27. Tácnade Leoniða, hwelc moncwealm on Créca londe wæs, mid ðæm ðe hé sprecende wæs tó his geférum: 'Uton brúcan ðisses undernmetes swá ða sculon ðe hiora ǽfengifl on helle gefeccean sculon,' Ors. 2, 5; Swt, 84, 31. Ðæt hé sǽde and tácnode hwylcum deáðe hé wolde sweltan hoc dicebat significans qua morte esset moriturus, Jn. Skt. 12, 33: 21, 19. (b) to be the figurative expression of, be a figure of something, to symbolize :-- Huæt tácnaþ ðæt gold búton ða heánesse ðæs háligdómes quid aura nisi excellentia sanctitatis exprimitur? Past. 18; Swt. 133, 12. Hwæt tácnaþ Ezechhiel búton ða láreówas cujus Ezechiel nisi magistrorum speciem tenet? 21; Swt. 161, 8: Blickl. Homl. 79, 29: 17, 14. Cwæþ se godspellere ðæt leóht cyrde tó ðon blindan. Ðæt tácnaþ ðæt seó godcundnes onféng úre týdran gecynde, 17, 27. Hé cwæþ ðæt his þegnas dydon swá hé him bebeád. Ðæt tácnaþ ðe ðás láreówas ne sceolan Godes dómas náwþer ne ná wanian ne ne écan, 81, 3. Ðæt sweflene fýr tácnode hwelc gewinn ðá wǽron be ðǽm ðe nú sindon, Ors. 2, 6; Swt. 88, 30. V. to indicate what is future, to portend :-- Hí (two stars) wítegan wǽron grimmes wæles ... ðæt hí micel yfel mannum tóward tácnedon (signarent), Bd. 5, 23; S. 645, 28. Bécneude, tácniende portendentes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 11. [Þes fuȝel tacnede faie sið þes kinges, Laym. 2832. Tacnenn to express symbolically, Orm. 1639. Ðe blo tokeneð ðe wateres wo, Gen. and Ex. 638. Toknyn or make tokene signo, Prompt. ParGoth. taiknjan δεικνυtonos;ναι: O. H. Ger. zeihhanón, zeihhanen signare, significare, indicare, monstrare: Icel. tákna, teikna to betoken, mark, denote.] v. fore-, ge-tácnian; tǽcnan, tǽcnian. tacnian

Palavras relacionadas: 495.
