
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - tǽcing

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


f. I. the pointing out of a course to be followed, direction, teaching. according to the rule of St. Benedict, Chart. Th. 549, 8: 227, 24: Lchdm. iii. 438, 20. Underfó hé ǽlcne regoles þeáw and tǽcinge; sig hé æfter Cristes bóce tǽcinge ðus geáxod, R. Ben. 104, 19. Þurh háligra bóca tǽcunge úres Drihtnes willan mid gódum dǽdum gefyllan, Homl. Ass. 144, 2. II. teaching, doctrine :-- Swá ðæt wé þurhwunigen on Cristes láre and tǽcinge, R. Ben. 6, 1. x ána ongynþ of ðam stæfe i æfter úðwitena rǽcinge, Ælfc. Gr. 2; Zup. 6, 5. Ðæra sind feówer æfter Priscianes tǽcinge, 24; Zup. 129, 16. tæcing

Palavras relacionadas: tǽcan, IV, and previous word :-- Hér is seó ǽ, ðe ðú under hire tǽcinge winnan wylt, R. Ben. 96, 23. Sý him þreál geboden be regoles tǽcinge, 126, 4. Hé nolde nán ðing dón be ðæs deófles tǽcunge, Homl. Th. i. 168, 26. Gif hé be bóca tǽcinge his líf gefadige, L. Eth. ix. 28; Th. i. 346, 17. Gif hwá nelle bétan æfter mínra biscopa tǽcinge, Chart. Erl. 230, 22. Gode þeówian æfter Sanctus Benedictus tǽcinge
