
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - þeód-cyning

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m. I. the king of a whole nation, a monarch, an independent sovereign. [Ei má þá kalla þjóðkonunga er skattkonungar eru, Edda. Ef hann (Harold Fairhair) vill leggja undir sik allan Noreg ok ráða því ríki jafnfrjálsliga, sem Eiríkr konungr Svíaveldi, eða Gormr konungr Danmörku, þá þykkir mér hann mega heita þjóðkonungr, Haralds Saga, c. 3.] :-- Þeódcyning (the king of Egypt; cf. folcfreá, 111, 7; Gen. 1852), Cd. Th. 112, 11; Gen. 1869. Ðeódcyning (Ongentheow), Beo. Th. 5932; B. 2970. Se ðeódcyning (Hrothgar), 4294; B. 2144. Ðiódcyning (Beowulf), 5151; B. 2579. Æt þearfe þeódcyninges, 5382; B. 2694. Ðæs þeódkyninges (-kyngces, MS. D.) (Edward the Confessor), Chr. 1066; Erl. 198, 15. Fore þrymme ðeódcyninges ǽniges on eorðan, Apstls. Kmbl. 36; Ap. 18. Gewiton hié feówer þeódcyningas (cf. Thadal rex gentium, Gen. 14, 1) þrymme micle, Cd. Th. 118, 14; Gen. 1965. Ðǽr beóþ þearfan and þeódcyningas (paupers and monarchs; pauperque potensque), Dóm. L. 161. Wé Gár-Dena in geárdagum þeódcyninga þrym gefrunon, Beo. Th. 3; B. 2. Ond swá micel wundor and wæfersién wæs mínes weoredes on fægernisse ofer ealle óþre þeódkyningas ðe in middangearde wǽron fuitque inter uarietates spectaculorum in conspiciendo talem exercitum, qui ornatu pariter ac uiribus inter gentes eminebant, Nar. 7, 19. II. the king of all nations, the monarch of the world, the Deity :-- Bútan ǽr þeódcyning (cf. Exon. Th. 367, 25 which has here éce Dryhten), ælmihtig God ende worulde wyrcan wille, weoruda Dryhten, Soul Kmbl. 24; Seel. 12. [O. Sax. thiod-kuning (used of Christ and of Herod): Icel. þjóðkonungr.] Cf. þeóden. þeod-cyning