
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - þung

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


m. A poisonous plant, (vegetable) poison; the word is used to translate aconitum, eleborus, mandragina, as well as the more general term toxa (cf. letali toxa = mortali veneno, Hpt. Gl. 427, 54) :-- Þung, woedeberge eleborus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 107, 12: 29, 21. Þung mandragina, 59, 42: aconita, i. 31, 58: aconitum, 67, 16: toxa, 68, 26: coxa (r. toxa), 67, 15. Þung toxa or toxicum (printed toxi pang), 289, 52. Gif mon þung ete, áþege buteran and drince; se þung gewít on ða buteran. Eft wiþ ðon, ásleá him mon fela scearpena on ðam scancan, ðonne gewít út ðæt áttor þurh ða scearpan, Lchdm. ii. 154, 1-4. Sealf wiþ ðam miclan líce ... þung..., 78, 25. Ámber fulne holenrinda and æscrinda and þunges, 332, 16. Nim ðone miclan þung, 154, 14. Thungas, þungas aconita, Txts. 36, 23. Þungas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 4, 20. f. þung

Palavras relacionadas: cluf-þung;
