
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - þus-líc

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adj. Such :-- Nǽfre adeáwde ðuslíc (swyle, W. S.), Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 9, 33. Ðuslíc talem, 18, 5. Mæhto ðullíco uirtutes tales, Mk. Skt. Lind. 6, 2. Ðuslícra is ríce Godes talium est regnum Dei, 10, 14. Of ðuslícum cnæhtum ex hujusmodi pueris, 9, 37. Mid ðullucum (ðuslícum, Rush.) monigum bíspellum talibus multis parabolis, 4, 33. Ðuslícum fultumum, Rtl. 64, 33. Ðuslíco (-u, Rush.) monigo gié dóas hujusmodi multa facitis, Mt. Skt. Lind. 7, 13. Ðe fæder ðullíco (ðuslíco, Rush.) soecað pater tales quaerit, Jn. Skt. Lind. 4, 23. [Of þulliche wepnen, O. E. Homl. i. 255, 15. Þeos and swuche (þullich, MS. C.) oþre, A. R. 8, 7. Gon and iseon swuch (þullich, MS. C.), 10, 13. Of swuche (þullic, MS. C.), 82, 3. Swuche (þulliche, MS. C.), men, 84, 20. Þulli, Marh. 7, 27: H. M. 9, 25. Þullich, Kath. 847. Þellich, Ayenb. 6, 12.] þus-lic