
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - tilung

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

teolung, tiolung, tielung, e;

f. I. striving, endeavour, effort, labour:--On swelcum lǽnum weorþscipum ǽlces mennisces módes ingeþanc biþ geswenced mid ðære geornfulnesse and mid ðære tiolunga (tiluncga, Cott. MS.) with the desire and striving for them, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 82, 22. Hi swuncon on wíngeardes biggencge mid gecneordlícere teolunge, Homl. Th. ii. 74, 33. Hí forgýmeleásodon ðæs écan lífes teolunge they neglected striving after the life eternal, 76, 2. Æfter níðum teolunge heara secundum nequitias studiorum ipsorum, Ps. Surt. 27, 4. II. a pursuit, occupation, employment, business:--Gestreón of ðære teolunge ðe hé him befæste gain from the occupation he committed to them, Homl. Th. ii. 552, 1. Sume teolunga sind ðe man begán mæg búton synnum . . . Petrus hæfde unpleólíce teolunge ǽr his gecyrrednysse, and hé for ðí eft búton pleó tó his fixnoðe gecyrde, 288, 20-26. Se ríca man geswícþ his gebeórscipes, gif ða ðeówan geswícaþ ðæra teolunga, i. 274, 1. Gif se biscep self drohtaþ on ðam eorðlícum tielongum (tielengum, Cott. MSS.) si presul ipse in tfrrenis negotiis versainr, Past. 18; Swt. 133, 4. Getígede tó eorðlícum tielengum (tiolengum, Cote. MSS. ) deditae terrenis negotiis, Swt. 135, 15. Gecorene tó Godes teolungum, Homl. Th. ii. 96, 1. Sécan ða gástlícan tylunga, 552, 10. Hé begǽþ his hláfordes teolunga, i. 412, 4. Wé willaþ sprecan ymbe manna tilunga ad hominum studia revertor, Bt. 24,4; Fox 84, 27. III. care, attention, treatment, cure. III. 2 b, IV:--Ðonne man tó wiccan tilunge séce æt ǽnigre neóde, Wulfst. 171, 11. Hé his hǽlðe sécan wyle æt unálýfedum tilungum, Homl. Th. i. 474, 21. Hé lǽrde ðurh ða tielunga (tiolunga, Cott. MSS.) ðæs Samaritaniscan (per Samaritani studium) ymb ðone gewundedan, Past. 17; Swt. 125, 7. IV. gain that comes from labour, acquisition, fruit got by tilling the earth:--Tilunge quaestu, lucro, Hpt. Gl. 419, 63. Swá hwæt swá hý gespariaþ on heora forhæfednessæ, and swá hwæt swá tóforan neádbehéfum belifen byþ on heora mægenes tilunge whatever they save by their abstinence, and whatever over and above necessaries remains of acquisition by their ability, R. Ben. 138, 17. Se gýtsere gýmþ grǽdelíce his teolunge, Homl. Th. i. 66, 10. Ða ðe ne sécaþ heora ágen gestreón ac smeágaþ ymbe Godes teolunge (gain to be made for God), ii: 76, 35: 558, 16. Ðú stunta, tó niht ðú scealt ðín líf álǽtan; hwæs beóþ ðonne ðíne teolunga whose shall thy gains be then? Wulfst. 286, 24. Hí sceolon heora geáres teolunga Gode ðone teóðan dǽl syllan, Homl. Th. ii. 608, 22. Lác of eorðan tilingum de fructibus terrae munera, Gen. 4, 3. Ete ælþeódig folc ðíne tilinga fructus terras et omnes labores tuos comedat populus quem ignoras, Deut. 28, 33. Ǽgðer ge earm ge eádig, ðe ǽnige teolunga (tylunge, MS. F.) hæbbe, gelǽste Gode his teóðunga, L. Edg. S. 1; Th. i. 272, 1. [False teolunges, A. R. 208, 17. Þe wingeardes þet mot muche tilunge to uorte beren winberies, 296, 1. Fourty wynter folke lyued withouten tulyinge (tiliyng, tilynge), Piers P. 14, 63.] tilung

Palavras relacionadas: tilian,
