
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - timbran

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


p. ede, ode. I. to build (lit. or fig.), construct:--Ic timbrige struo, construo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Zup. 175, 11. Tóweorp hié, ne dú timbres (aedificabis) hié, Ps. Surt. 27, 5. Timbreþ Dryhten Sion, 101, 17: Ps. Th. 146, 2: Exon. Th. 450, 25; Dóm. 93. Gé timbriaþ (timbraþ, Rush.) wítegena byrgene, Mt. Kmbl. 23, 29: Lk. Skt. 11, 47, 48. Ic timbrode setl ðín, Ps. Spl. 88, 5. Ða gódan weorc ðe hé ǽr timbrede, Past. 33; Swt. 215, 18. Hé burh timbrede, Cd. Th. 172, 6; Gen. 2840: Chr. 722; Erl. 44, 28. Timbrade, Ps. Th. 101, 14. Hié ceastra timbredon, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 48, 10. Drehton ða hergas mid ðǽm æscum ðe hié ǽr timbredon. Ðá hét Alfréd cyng timbran langscipu ongén ða æscas, Chr. 897; Erl. 95, 7-11. Æfter ðæm hryre ðære upáhæfennesse hé ongan timbran eáðmósnes?e, Past. 58; Swt. 443, 30. Wé ceorfaþ treówu on holte, ðæt wé hí eft up árǽren on ðæm botle, ðǽr ðǽr wé timbran willen, Swt. 445, 1: Cd. Th. 64, 29; Gen. 1057. Weall stǽnenne timbran, 101, 34; Gen. 1692. On ðám telgum timbran nest, Exon. Th. 210, 20; Ph. 188. Ne mæg fira nán wísdóm timbran (timbrian, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 11, 8, 10), áǽr ðǽr woruldgítsung beorg ofer-brǽdeþ, Met. 7, 12. Uton timbrian ús ceastre faciamus nobis civitatem, Gen. 11, 4: Ps. Th. 128, 2. Ecgbryht salde Reculf mynster on tó tymbranne (-ianne, MS. E.), Chr. 669; Erl. 34, 26. Timbriende aedificans, Ps. Surt. 146, 2. Timbrende aedificantes, 117, 22. Ðǽr wæs timbred templ, Nar. 37, 22: Beo. Th. 620; B. 307. Bióþ timbrede cestre, Ps. Surt. 68, 36. II. to instruct, edify:--Hé nówiht elles dyde ðonne ðæt folc mid godcundre láre timbrede nil aliud ageret quam plebem Christi verbo salutis instruere, Bd. 2, 14; S. 518, 10. III. to cut timber (?). and cf. wudian:--Me mæig on sumera . . . bytlian . . . tymbrian, wudian, Anglia ix. 261, 11. [Letten þa kinges timbrien þa hallen, Laym. 5940. To timbren me mine crune, A. R. 124, 8. To timmbrenn himm an hus, Orm. 13368. Who tauȝte hem (peacocks) on trees to tymbre so heighe, Piers P. 11, 352. Goth. timrjan: O. Sax. ge-timbrón (-ian): O. L. Ger. ge-timbran: O. Frs. timbra, timmera: Du. timmeren: O. H. Ger. zimbaren, zimbarón aedificare, struere, instruere: Ger. zimmern: Icel. timbra: Dan. tømre.] v. á-, be-, for-, ge-, in-, on-timbran (-ian), and next word. timbran

Palavras relacionadas: timber-geweorc,
