Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - tó-brecan
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- tó-brecan
- p. -bræc, pl. -brǽcon; pp. -brocen Tó break, break in pieces :-- Ic tóbrece frango, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Zup. 176, 8: rumpo, 177, 4. Tobrocen contrita, Hpt. 01. 482, 67. I. in reference to material objects, to break in two, to break to pieces, break up, to separate into parts by striking or pulling :-- Hé (the patch of new cloth) tóbrycþ hys stede on ðam reáfe, and se slite byþ ðe wyrsa, Mt. Kmbl. 9, 16. Ðú mé tóbrǽce (disrupistt) bendas grimme, Ps. Th. 115, 7. Hé ðone hláf tóbræc on twá, Blickl. Homl. 181, 16. Ða ǽrenan scyttelas hé ealle tóbræc, 85, 7. Hé tóbræc hire (the lion's) ceaflas mid his barum handum, Ælfc. T. Grn. 7, 16. Hí ða gymstánas tóbrǽcon, Homl. Th. i. 60, 28. Hié ða scipu eall oðþe tóbrǽcon oþþe forbærndon, Chr. 894; Erl. 91, 25. Tóbrec hira anlicnyssa confringes statuas eorum. Ex. 23, 24: Lchdm. i. 370, 22. Tóbrec ðínne hláf and syle done óðerne dǽl hungrium men break thy loaf in two and give one part to a hungry man. Homl. Th. i. 180, 4. Man sceolde tóbrecan his stef, Chr. 1047; Erl. 177, 7. Ða wildan hors scealden iornan and him ða limo all tóbrecan, Shrn. 72, 2. Tó gehwylcum bryce, hundes brægen áléd on wnlle and ðæt tóbrocene tó gewriþen, Lchdm. i. 370, 19. Wiþ ealdre wunde tóbrocenre, ii. 92, I. Tóbrocen wérun sconco hiora frangeruntur eorum crura, Jn. Skt. Rush. 19, 31. Ða bytta beóþ tóbrocene rumpuntur utres, Mt. Kmbl. 9, 17. Heora scipu sume þurh oferweder wurdon tóbrocene. Chr. 794; Erl. 59, 22. II. to overthrow, break down, ruin, destroy, put into confusion, rout, (a) of material objects :-- Ceaster heora ðú tóbrǽce (destruxisti). Ps. Spl. 9, 6. Sc ðe tóbræc (destruebat) ðone tempel Godes, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 27, 40. Hyra setlu hé tóbræc (evertit), Mt. Kmbl. 21, 12 : Mk. 11, 15. Wutun tiligean ðæt wé heora burh tóbrecan móton accipient in vanitate civitates tuas. Ps. Th. 138, 17. Ðæs ne wéndon witan Scyldinga, ðæt hit (the hall) manna ǽnig tóbrecan meahte, Beo. Th. 1565; B. 780. Wæs ðæt beorhte bold tóbrocen swíðe, 1999 ; B. 997. Weard folc tótwǽmed, scyldburh tóbrocen, Byrht. Th. 138, 58; By. 242. Áne tóbrocene byrgenne seputckrum dirutum, Ors. 4, 10; Swt. 202, 4. Eal ðín carcern hé hafaþ tóbrocen, Blickl. Homl. 85, 22. Hreósaþ tóbrocene burgweallas, Exon. Th. 61, I; Cri. 978. (b) of persons, tó destroy, crush :-- Ic tóbræce hí confringam eos. Ps. Spl. 17, 40. Ðú hié tóbrǽce attrivish eos. Past. 37; Swt. 267, 3. (c) of non-material objects :-- Hit eallum ðǽm senatum ofþyncendum ðæt hé heora ealdan gesetnessa tóbrecan wolde (would overthrow their old laws), Ors. 5, 12; Swt. 244, 17. Ðonne biþ se glencg ágoten and se þrym tóbrocen, Wulfst. 263, 8. Hit ongeat ðæs wísdómesláre swíþe tðtorenne and swíþe tóbrocenne, Bt. 3. l: Fox 4, 31. III. to take by assault :-- Tirus hé besæt and siþþan tóbræc and mid ealle tówearp Tyrum oppressit et cepil, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 126, 17. Ða gigantas woldon tóbrecan ðone heofon lacessentes coelum giganles, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 162, 12. Hér wæs tóbrocen Rómána burh fram Gotum, Chr. 409; Erl. II, 10. Ou ðissum geáre wæs Bæbbanburh tóbrocon, 993; Erl. 133, I. IV. to break a promise, pledge, etc. , to infringe, violate :-- Swá hwá swá halt ðis write . . . hwá swá hit tóbreceþ, Chr. 675 ; Erl. 38, 27. Man his riht tóbræc, 975; Erl. 126, 17, Twégen gebróðra tobrǽcon ðone regol, Homl. Th. ii. 166, 34. Gif hé his bebod tóbrǽce, Homl. Ass. 60, 217. Wed synd tóbrocene oft and gelóme, Wulfst. 161, 12. V. to break, interrupt :-- Wé tóbrecaþ úrne slǽp and gebiddaþ for eow. Homl. Ass. 51, 39. [The verb remains in the Authorized Version 'all to-brake his scull, ' Jud. 9, 53. O. Frs. tó-breka (te-): O. L. Ger. te-brekan: O. H. Ger. ze-brechen disrumpere, confringere : Ger. zer-brechen.]