Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - treów
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- treów
- truth. Take here trúw in Dict., and: I. add :-- Hé nam þone deácon in his treówþe (treówa, ) diaconum in suam suscepit fidem, Gr. D. 253, 16. II. add :-- Hwæt is ðæt, ðæt mon hreówsige his synna, búton ðæt mon eówað Gode his eáðmódnesse and his treówa? quid est culpam flere nisi humilitatem Deo suae devotionis ostendere?, Past. 421, 30. IV. add :-- Hí heora treówe (trýwa, v.l.) sealdon ꝥ hie riht mid him healdan woldon his manus dederunt, Bd. 3, 28; Sch. 327, 4. V. add :-- Án of þám þe se cyng hæfde mǽst trúwe tó, Chr. 992; P. 126, 23. Sé ðe forlǽt ðone cele ungetreównesse, and wyrð wlacra treówa, Past. 447, 7. Ne cuæð hé ðæt for ðý ðe hé wolde his treówa and geleáfan forlǽtan quod exhibebat non amittendo fidem, 101, 7. v. ge-treów. treow