
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - túdor

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

tuddor, es;

n. That which grows from another (used of animals or of plants), offspring, progeny, product, fruit :-- Túdor oððe cyn propago, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67, 33. On ða tíd wæs ofor eorþan tuddres æþelnes, Blickl. Homl. 115, 10. Hé týdreþ ǽlc túdor, Bt. 39, 8; Fox 224, 10. I. of human beings, (a) a child: -- Tudder pignus, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 32 ; Zup. 59, 9. Bearn vel tudder soboles vel proles, Wrt. Voc. i. 51, 64: foetus, fructus, partus, filius, soboles, ii. 148, 35. ' Ðú cennest sunu. ' Mid ðý ðe heó gehýrde ðone fruman ðæs godcundan tuddres, Blickl. Homl. 7, 20. Túdre foetu, Wrt. Voc. ii. 36, 34. Gyf hwylc wíf htebbe on hyre innoðe deádboren tuddur, Lchdm. i. 166, 4. Hyt ðæt tudder of ðam cwiðan gelǽdeþ, 296, 2. Tuddra pignora. Hymn. Surt. 52, 7. (b) in a general sense, offspring, race, breed, family, children :-- Tuddor prosapia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 65, 71. Tudder (maternae generationis) propago, Hpt. 522, 30. Wé oncneówan ðæt ðæt tuddur ne grówan mihte of swylcum gesinscype didicimus ex tali conjugio sobolem non posse succrescere, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 5. Moncynnes tuddor. Exon. Th. 86, 32; Cri. 1417. Fruma ælda túdres, 151, 16; Gú. 796. Gódes túdres gesǽlig bona sobole felix, Bd. 3, 7; S. 529, 34: 3, 18; S. 546, 39. Wæstm-bærnysse tuddres faecunditatem sobolis, 1, 27; S. 493, 8. Sunu gódes tuddres filium bone indolis, Scint. 177, 6. Ára ðínum earmum eorþan túdre (cf. help ðínum earmum moncynne, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 11), Met. 4, 31. Túdre fyllaþ eorðan, incre cynne, sunum and dohtrum, Cd. Th. 13, 2; Gen. 196. 92, 27; Gen. 1535: 107, 12; Gen. 1788: 169, 18; Gen. 2801. tó teónan manna túdre to the hurt of mankind. Exon. Th. 270, 3; Jul. 459. Ðæs teámes wæs tuddor gefylled unlytel dǽl eorðan gesceafta, Cd. Th. 97, 16; Gen. 1613. Ðonne ðæt flǽsc náuht elles ne sécþ búton túdor nisi fructum propaginis non quaerere, Past. 51; Swt. 399, 5. God weorðaþ eorþan tuddor, Exon. Th. 43, 13 ; Cri. 608. II. of animals :-- Wócor eorðan túdres every kind of animal, Cd. Th. 79, 18; Gen. 1313: 86, 34; Gen. 1440. Setl ǽlcum eorðan túdre, 79, 3 ; Gen. 1305. Deáþ spyreþ æfter ǽghwelcum eorþan túdre, diórum and fuglum, Met. 27, 10. Treófugla tuddor cýð ðon eádges eftcyme. Exon. Th. 146, 9 ; Gú. 707. Ðú seofone genim túdra gehwylces, Cd. Th. 80, 29; Gen. 1336. II a. of human beings and animals :-- Tuddor bið gemǽne incrum (the woman and the serpent) orlegníð, Cd. Th. 56, 19; Gen. 914. Se egorhere eorðan tuddor eall ácwealde, búton ðæt earce bord heóld heofona freá, 84, 24 ; Gen. 1402. III. of plants :-- Beorc byþ blǽda leás, bereþ tánas bútan túdre. Runic pm. Kmbl. 342, 29; Rún. 18. Brengþ eorþe ǽlcne westm and ǽlc túdor ǽlce geáre, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 14 : Met. 29, 58. IV. metaphorical :-- Weá wæs árǽred, tregena tuddor, Cd. Th. 60, 27; Gen. 988. Ðonne mæg hé cennan ðæt túder ryhtes geðohtes (prolem rectae cogitationis), Past. 15 ; Scint. 97, 8. Óþre tuddru synna cetere soboles peccatorum, Scint. 112, 4. [Deor and fishshes and fugeles and here tuder, O. E. Homl. ii. 177, 17.] and next word. tudor

Palavras relacionadas: eorþ-, magu-, sige-túdor,
