
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - tún-cressa

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


m. : -cærse, -cerse, an; f. Town-cress (garden-cress, nasturtium; lepidium sativum :-- Tuuncressa nasturcium, Txts. 79, 1359. Túncǽrse, Wrt. Voc. ii. 60, 4, 64: i. 67, 70. Túnkerse, 31, 50. Nim túncersan sǽd, Lchdm. ii. 90, 18. tún-cyrice, an; f, A church in a tún (q. v. ) :-- Habbe hé þat lond fré his day and his wíues, and after here bothere day meó þe túnkirke, and men fré . . . þat lond schal intó túnkirke . . . and þó men fré, Chart. Th. 572, 20-33. Intó ðe túnkirke on Mardingford, 593, 2. tunece, an; f A tunic, coat :-- Tunece tonica, Wrt. Voc. i. 284, 62. Tunice, Scint. 144, 7. Tunicæ tunica, Wrt. Voc. i. 39, 71. Hit ys mínes suna tunecan Gen. 37, 33 : Exon. Th. 357, 1 ; Pa. 22. Hí námon his tunecan (tunicam; cyrtel. Lind. Rush. ); seó tunece wæs unásiwod, Jn. Skt. 19, 23. Ð á dyde hé on his tunecan (cyrtil (-el). Lind. Rush. ), 21, 7: Lk. Skt. 6, 29. Ðam ðe wylle niman ðíne tunecan (cyrtel l hrægl. Lind. : ðínne tonica. Rush. ), lǽt him tó ðínne wǽfels, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 40. Ðá sende him mon áne blace hacelan angeán him on bismer, and eft hié him sendon áne tunecan ongeán, ða ðe hié tó gehéton, ðæt hé ealles búton árunge tó Róme ne com (the Latin seems to have been misunderstood, it is: Senatus sagurn, hoc est, vestern moeroris deposuit, atque antiquum togae decorem recuperavit). Ors. 5, 10; Swt. 234, 21-24, 31. Ðæt hé ús forgeáfe ða undeádlícan tunecan ðe wé forluron on ðæs frum-sceapenan mannes forgǽgednysse, Homl. Th. i. 34, 29. Hió becwið hyre betstan dunnan tunecan, Chart. Th. 537, 31. Hió an Ceóldrýþe hyre blacena tunecena, swá ðǽr hyre leófre beó, 538, 6. Se ðe hæfþ twá tunecan (cyrtlas. Lind. Rush. ), Lk. Skt. 3, 11: Blickl. Homl. 169, 13. [O. H. Ger. tunihha tunica. From Latin.] v. ge-tunecod. tun-cressa

Palavras relacionadas: E. D. S. Pub. Plant Names),
