Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - un-lust
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- un-lust
- m. I. absence of desire, disgust, disinclination. (a) want of appetite :-- Lǽcedóm gif men unlust (cf. Ger. Unlust zum Essen) sié getenge, Lchdm. ii. 16, 15: 150, 17. Wiþ metes unluste, 184, 15: 28, 5. Wiþ unluste and wlætan þe of magan cymð, 158, 12. Wiþ sáre and unluste ðæs magan, se ðe ne mæg ne mid mete ne mid drincan beón gelácnod, 158, 17. Hié þrowiaþ ormǽtne þurst and metes unlust, 230, 19. Ungemetlíca metesócna and ungemetlíce unlustas and císnessa, 174, 28. [Þi mahe wið unlust warpeð hit (food) eft ut, H. M. 35, 31. Icel. ú-lyst a bad appetite.] (b) disinclination to action, listlessness :-- Hé (the slothful servant) ðolaþ neádunge þeóstra ðurh wrace, se ðe ǽr lustlíce forbær his unlustes (or under III? cf. 552, 12) þeóstra, Homl. Th. ii. 556, 22. [ȝæn unnlusst and forrswundennleȝȝc, Orm. 4562. He doth alle thing with slaknes and excusacioun, and with ydelnes and unlust, Chauc. Pers. T. (de accidia). Goth. wairþan in unlustau άθωμεiν.] II. want ofpleasure, joylessness, weariness :-- For unluste pros taedio, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 28. Hé wylleþ hine on ðam wíte, wunaþ unlustum (cf. lustum, on lustum), Salm. Kmbl. 538; Sal. 268. [O. H. Ger. un-lust taedium, fastidium.] III. an evil pleasure, lust :-- Ne unlust on hire mód ne becom, Homl. Th. ii. 10, 10. Ðá gestód hine micel líchamlíc costung ... hé áwende ðone unlust tó sárnysse, 156, 32. Unlusta voluptatum, Scint. 106, 10. Ealle hyra unlustas hí sceolon gebétan sylfwylles on ðyssum lífe, oððe unþances æfter ðyssum lífe, Homl. Th. i. 148, 27. Þurh unlustas libidinibus, L. Ecg. C. 5, tit.; Th. ii. 128, 15. Winnan wið leahtras and unlustas forseón, L. Ælfc. P. 12; Th. ii. 368, 19. un-lust