Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - un-weorþlíce
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- un-weorþlíce
- adv. I. unworthily, in an unsuitable manner :-- Him is micel ðearf ðæt hié geornlíce geðencen ðæt hié tó unweorþlíce ne dǽlen ðæt him befæsð bið necesse est, ut sollicite perpendant, ne commissa indigne distribuant, Past. 44; Swt. 321, 14. Unwurðlíce, Cd. Th. 28, 23; Gen.440. II. with indignity, with contempt, ignominiously :-- Hé wearð self unweorðlíce ofslagen Domitianus interfectus est; cujus cadaver ignominiosissime sepultum est, Ors. 6, 9; Swt. 264, 15. Hé heora ǽrendracan swá unweorðlíce forseah, ðæt hé heora self onseón nolde legatos ad se missos injuriosissime etiam a conspectu suo abstinuit, 4, 8; Swt.186, 7: 3, 10; Swt. 140, 3. Hí heóldon ðæt gold unwurðlíce they held the gold in contempt, Homl. Th. i. 326, 24. III. with indignation :-- Ðá se Hǽlend hí geseah unwurðlíce (-weorð-, MS. A.) hé hit forbeád quos cum uideret Iesus indigne tulit, Mk. Skt. 10, 14, Sume hit unwurðlíce (-weorð-, MS. A.) forbǽron erant quidem indigne ferentes, 14, 4. [Unworthly þou wroght ... when þou was bowne with a brande my body to shende, Alex. (Skt.) 869. O. H. Ger. un-werdlícho indifferenter, indigne: Icel. ú-virðiliga scornfully.] un-weorþlice