
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - wæcce

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


f. I. wakefulness, sleeplessness :-- Gif men sié micel wæce getenge, popig gegníd, smire ðínne andwlitan mid, ... raþe him biþ sió wæcce gemetgod, Lchdm. ii. 152, 12-14. Wæcæ, 16, 19. Dæges and nihtes ic swanc on hǽtan and on wæccan die noctuque aestu urebar, fugiebatque somnus ab oculis meis, Gen. 31, 40. Tó slǽpe. Gáte horn under heáfod gélǽd, weccan (wæccan, MS. B.) hé on slǽpe gecyrreþ, Lchdm. i. 350, 21. Hí singale wæccean þrowiaþ, ii. 258, 7. Hú micel sár, and hú micele wæccan, and hú micle unrótnesse hé hæfþ, Bt. 31, 1; Fox 110, 30. II. where the wakefulness is intentional, watching, watchfulness, a watch, vigil :-- Wæcce vigilia, Wrt. Voc. i. 75, 65: excubia, Engl. Stud. xi. 65, 28. Gé sceolon witan, ðæt twá wæccan synd; án is ðæs líchaman, óðer ðæs módes. Ðæs líchaman wæcce is ðonne wé waciaþ on cyrcan æt úrum úhtsange, ðonne óðre men slápaþ ... Ðæs módes wæcce is micele betere, ðæt se man hogie hú hé gehealden beó wið ðone deófol, Homl. Ass. 51, 35-49: R. Ben. 35, 2. Man wacaꝥ tó oft on unnyt ...; and micle betere is ǽlcum cristenum men, ðæt hé náne wæccan æt cyrican næbbe, ðonne hé ðǽr wacyge mid ǽnigan gefleorde. Ac se ðe rihtlíce his wæccan healdan wylle, ... wacie hé and gebidde hine georne, ðonne fremaþ him seó wæcce, Wulfst. 279, 11-17. Gif hwelc mon fæste oþþe nytte (Cockayne alters to nihte, but this is unnecessary; see beginning of preceding passage) wæccan dó, Shrn. 104, 29. Tó wæccum ad excubias, vigilias, Hpt. Gl. 488, 37. On hálgum wæccan vigiliis sanctis, Bd. 4, 25; S. 600, 15. Wæcceum, Ps. Th. 76, 4. Wæccan excubias, Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 48. Weardsetl oððe wæccan, 30, 11. Gif hwá his wæccan (vigilias) æt ǽnigum wylle hæbbe, oððe æt ǽnigre óðre gesceafte, búton æt Godes cyricean, L. Ecg. P. iIII. a division of the night, a watch :-- Drihten com tó his leorningcnihtum on ðære feórðan wæccan. Án wæcce hæfð þreó tída; feówer wæccan gefyllað twelf tída; swá fela tída hæfð seó niht, Homl. Th. ii. 388, 13. On ðære æfteran wæccan in secunda uigilia, Lk. Skt. 12, 38. Embe ða feórðan wæccan, Mk. Skt. 6, 48. [Noðing ne makeð wilde uleschs tommure þen deð muche wecche; vor wecche is ine holie write ipreised ... Ure Louerd teihte us wecche, A. R. 144, 1-9. Temien hire fleschs mid wecchen, 138, 6. Wiþþ fassting, and wiþþ wecche, Orm. 1451. O. H. Ger. wacha: Icel. vaka.] v. cyric-, niht-, úht-, ungemet-wæcce; wacen. wæcce

Palavras relacionadas: 19; Th. ii. 210, 11.
