
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - wist

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


f. (and m.? v. big-, dæg-, hús-, neáh-wist.) I. being. II. subsistence:--Wist vel anleofa stips, Wrt. Voc. i. 17, 8. Wiste stipis, Anglia xiii. 36, 348. II a. sustenance, food, provisions:--Næs ðǽr hláfes wist, ne wæteres tó brúcanne; ah hié blód and fel þégon, Andr. Kmbl. 42; An. 21. Hé næfþ ða neódþearfe áne, ðæt is wist and wǽda, Bt. 33, 2; Fox 124, 17. Of ungemete wiste and wǽda, Met. 25, 39: Cd. Th. 222, 11; Dan. 103. Welan and wiste, 59, 29; Gen. 971. Hé smeáde hwǽr hí bigleofan biddan sceoldon, ðá ðá hí ða fare férdon búton wiste, Homl. Th. ii. 138, 34: Cd. Th. 185, 30; Exod. 130. Gif feohbót áríseþ, ðæt gebyreþ tó wǽde and tó wiste ðám ðe Gode þeówian, L. Eth. vi. 51; Th. i. 328, 7. Tódǽlan werum tó wiste fǽges flǽschoman, Andr. Kmbl. 305; An. 153: Menol. Fox 388; Men. 195: Soul Kmbl. 49; Seel. 25. Genóh wǽre ðam wǽdlan his untrumnys, þeáh ðe hé wiste hæfde, Homl. Th. i. 330, 16. Mon tó andleofne eorðan wæstmas hám gelǽdeþ, wiste wynsume, Exon. Th. 214, 26; Ph. 245: Cd. Th. 81, 4; Gen. 1340. Nafast ðú hláfes wiste, ne hlútterne drync, Andr. Kmbl. 623; An. 312: Elen. Kmbl. 1231; El. 617. Forlǽt eal ðæt ðú áge búton wiste and wǽda, Prov. Kmbl. 80. Næbbe ic welan ne wiste, Andr. Kmbl. 603; An. 302: 635; An. 318. Hé áfédde of fixum twám and of fíf hláfum fira cynnes fíf þúsendo; wiste þégon menu, 1186; An. 593. Waldend ðé wist gife, heofonlícne hláf, 776; An. 388. Hunig, wynsume wist, Frag. Kmbl. 40; Leás. 22. Fóddurwelan, wist, Exon. Th. 415, 14; Rä. 33, 11. Sylle him mon wist and wǽdo, 336, 12; Gn. Ex. 48. Wistum gehladen, 492, 16; Rä. 81, 16. Mid wistum þénian to serve with food, Homl. Skt. i. 7, 390. Ic welan and wista gife eów genóge, Wulfst. 132, 15. III. dainty food, a feast. v. wistfullian:--Ðeós wist epulum, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Zup. 86, 6. Wist epulae, keninga wist vel éstas dapes, Wrt. Voc. i. 41, 12, 13. Wiste wlonc and wínes sæd, Exon. Th. 369, 10; Seel. 39. Ðonne ðú dést wist oððe feorme cum facis prandium aut caenam, Lk. Skt. 14, 12. Æt hám findaþ witode him wiste and blisse, Exon. Th. 430, 14; Rä. 44, 8. Wista dapes, Wrt. Voc. i. 26, 63. Hwǽr beóþ ðonne his welan and his wista? Blickl. Homl. 111, 33. Wista epularum, Hpt. Gl. 481, 15: Exon. Th. 130, 6; Gú. 434. Gebytlu mid wistum áfyllede, Homl. Th. i. 68, 3: 74, 27. In wistum mínum in delitiis meis, Ps. Surt. 138, 11. Wystu delicias, epulas, Hpt. Gl. 480, 76. Wista delicias, Wrt. Voc. ii. 28, 69. Wiste epulas, Kent. Gl. 787. Hié hæfdon wiste and plegan, Blickl. Homl. 99, 21. IV. eating, feasting:--Nelle ðú grǽdig beón on ealre wiste (epulatione), Scint. 169, 17. Hí on druncennysse and on wiste hiora wombe þeówiaþ, L. E. I. 45; Th. ii. 442, 1. Wunaþ hé on wiste, Beo. Th. 3474; B. 1735. Hine his goldwine wenede tó wiste, Exon. Th. 288, 24; Wand. 36. Hé ǽlce dæge symblede and mid micelre wiste wǽre geleormod, Past. 45; Swt. 337, 24. [Goth. wists; f. natura: O. Sax. wist; m. food: O. H. Ger.wist; f. substantia; alimentum, stipendium: Icel. vist; f. abode; food.] v. and-, big-, dæg-, ofer-wist (for other compounds see I). wist

Palavras relacionadas: æt-, ed-, gador-, gegador-, hús-, los-, mid-, neáh-, on-, sam-, stede-wist.
