Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-hátan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
ic -háte, ðú -hátest, -hǽtst, he -háteþ,
- be-hátan
- pl. -hátaþ; p. -hét, pl. -héton; pp. -háten [be, hátan to call, promise, vide II] To promise, vow, threaten; spondere, pollicere, vovere, comminari :-- Ðæt ðú me behǽtst quod polliceris, Gen. 38, 17. Behét he mid áþe cum juramento pollicitus est, Mt. Bos. 14, 7. Ðonne ðú behát behǽtst Drihtene cum votum voveris Domino, Deut. 23, 21. Drihten God behét us wedd Dominus Deus pepigit nobiscum fædus, 5, 2. Ǽlc yfel man him behét they threatened him every evil, Chr. 1036; Ing. 209, 12; Ælf Tod. 11. be-hatan