
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-hátan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: I. to promise:--Hú fela beháta behét God Abra-hame?, Angl. vii. 42, 396. Embe þis wé sprecað eft swíðor swá swá wé ǽr behéton, Lch. iii. 240, 8. Cantware heom feoh behéton, Chr. 865 ; P. 69, 4. ꝥ him man gafol behéte, 994; P. 129, II. Tó ðám behátenan earde. Hml. Th. ii. 282, 17. Þǽra forewearda þe him behá-tene wǽron, Chr. 1093; P. 228, 2. II. in religious matters, to vow:--Ðú ne syngast gif ðú sylf ne behátest; ac gif ðú ǽne behátest Gode, hé wyle habban ðæt ðú him behéte, Hex. 50, 3-5. ꝥ hí behéton quod professi sunt, An. Ox. 57, 7. Gelǽste man eall þæt man beháte on Godes ést tó dónne, Wlfst. 172, 13. III. to threaten:--Se abbot dyde heom yfele, and beheót heom wyrs, Chr. 1083 ; P. 214, 21. Hé heom behét ǽlcne hete, Hml. S. 23, 230. Beháte hé swilc wíte swilc hé ús beháte, 459. IV. to give assurance, certify:--Þú mé behéte hál and clǽne ꝥ ꝥ þú mé sealdest, Ll. Th. i. 180, 22. V. reflex, to profess one's self ready for the doing of something (gen.):--Sé ðe hine selfne máran gódes behǽt qui fortiori studio intenderat, Past. 403, 5. (Cf. O. H. Ger. sie bihiazun sih thera selbun kuanheiti.) be-hatan